A Baby for My Billionaire Stepbrother 5

A Baby for My Billionaire Stepbrother 5 by Cassandra Zara Page A

Book: A Baby for My Billionaire Stepbrother 5 by Cassandra Zara Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassandra Zara
However, my roommate Nicole was in there, getting ready for a night out on the town. I wasn't sure that I wanted him back, and I definitely didn't want to appear desperate, so I foolishly invited him to go out with us. Nicole wasted no time zeroing in on him, making it very clear that she was his if he wanted her. Over bottle service at a swanky club, I had to watch as he put his hands all over her on the dance floor. I tried to leave, but James stopped me. He let me know that he traveled here for me, and that he wanted another chance. I gave him that chance, and he showed his true animalistic nature. He said that, due to his company, we couldn't be seen together in public, but that he was mine as long as we were discrete. I knew that I wanted more for my baby, but I was prepared to accept the compromise for now. That is, until my best friend Tessa called me to give me some important news...
    In Part 4, Tessa let me know her suspicions about Audrey Lipman's new baby. Between Audrey's medical bills being paid for by James' company and the eerie similarity between our both going to Boston for a concert, Tessa was sure that he was setting me up for the same thing. At first, I didn't believe her. After all, this was my own stepbrother. However, James did very little to persuade me otherwise. I watched his band play but after the concert, when we went to his apartment for the after party, he basically ignored me. I knew that he couldn't be too affectionate with me in public, but it still hurt. What I never expected was that his band mate Ryan would come on to me, and when I outright told him 'no', would make it clear that that wasn't really an option with him. If not for James coming in and rescuing me, I'm not sure what would have happened. Afterward, James told me that Ryan was the father of Audrey's child and that he was just making sure that the baby had the best life possible. My fears melted away, and as we made love in the shower, I knew he was the right man to father my child. That is, until, I saw the pictures that Nicole had been sending him...

Chapter One
    I staggered out into the cold, still a little unsteady on my feet. I didn't know if it was something I ate, or maybe a bug I caught on the airplane, but I suddenly felt like my body wasn't my own. Or maybe, it was something much, much better.
    I tried to remember what I had read on the Internet about morning sickness, but as weak as I felt right now, I couldn't think of anything. Was this too early to have it? Would a pregnancy test be accurate at this point, assuming I got pregnant just about two weeks ago?
    I knew the answer to that last question. I might as well flip a coin for all the good a pregnancy test would do me right now. Still, I felt like it might put my mind at ease. Immediately upon leaving the building, I punched “drug store” into my phone's GPS. There was one only two blocks away, and I walked toward it, feeling myself perk up immediately at having a task, something to do.
    I was already starting to forgive James for the pictures that Nicole had sent him, but I wasn't about to admit that to him yet. After all, I had seen the messages he had sent back. Most were very noncommittal, as if he were embarrassed that he had to reply at all.
    I had also seen the look on his face when I accused him of jerking off to the pictures, and I knew that it was true. No doubt he had gigabytes of pornography on his computer to jerk off to as well, and was that really all that different? I knew that it was something to be worried about, but as long as it was kept to just an occasional wank session at his home, I could hardly stay mad.
    If he wanted to stay with me, however, he'd have to make it clear to Nicole that they were never to see each other again. Oh, I know he said that he'd never do anything with her. And he had been good at telling her no, that one time. I knew how badly she wanted to get with him, though, and that she'd pull out every trick in the book

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