The Gilded Crown

The Gilded Crown by Catherine A. Wilson Page A

Book: The Gilded Crown by Catherine A. Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine A. Wilson
Tags: Historical fiction
had placed near the hearth. Her skin tingled delightfully and she felt warm for the first time since arriving in Edinburgh.
    â€˜Lady Odistoun freed me from the nursery so that I may assist you.’
    â€˜Thank you, but I am not sure how much assistance I will require.’ Catherine released the binding around her head and shook out her damp curls. ‘Perhaps your time would be better spent with the Odistoun children. Surely you will miss them?’
    The maid took up the bone-handled comb and began to ease out a large knot. ‘I can assure you, M’Lady, that will never ’appen!’
    â€˜You do not like the duties of nursery maid?’ asked Catherine.
    â€˜It depends on the child.’ The servant eased the clean chemise over Catherine’s head and assisted with the gown and arisaidh. ‘Some children have far too much devil in ’em, but what can you expect when their father acts like Satan!’
    Simon opened the door just as Mary was leaving. He grinned at her sodden appearance, acknowledging her with a nod as she passed. ‘Lady Wexford, you look absolutely radiant,’ he exclaimed as the door closed. ‘Who would have thought my grubby travelling companion could be so transformed by a mad, English woman.’
    From her seat in front of the fire, Catherine blushed. ‘Simon! You are most uncomplimentary.’
    â€˜Yes, you are right.’ He took her hands in his and kissed them both. ‘Sometimes I cannot believe how fortunate I am. Will you forgive me?’
    â€˜What is there to forgive?’ she jested. ‘Where have you been?’
    â€˜I wanted to inspect Walter’s stables. Our large retinue will be arriving in the next few weeks and I must ensure that the Odistoun’s can accommodate our needs.’
    Catherine poured her husband a goblet of spiced mead from the jug sitting on the table beside her.
    â€˜Walter has a fine yard and there is plenty of room for another twenty or more horses and sufficient space in the hall for Roderick, Girda, Gabriel and several servants. My guard can bunk down in the unfinished tower and—’
    â€˜But if Lord and Lady Odistoun are financially constrained—’
    â€˜They will greatly benefit from the substantial allowance I intend to offer them in compensation.’
    Catherine smiled.
    â€˜That pleases you?’
    â€˜Yes, very much. I would not like to think of us as being a further burden.’ Catherine tentatively rested her hand on Simon’s knee. ‘Why do you wish to speak with King David?’
    Simon picked at the remaining bannock on the platter. ‘Do you remember the courier in Cambridge?’
    â€˜The boy? Yes. He brought word that Walter was going to hand over part of your estate to the King.’
    â€˜Doune Castle.’
    â€˜Doune! But isn’t that the property you just gave to Beatrix?’
    â€˜The very same,’ Simon replied.
    â€˜How can Walter give away something that isn’t his and why would he do so when he desperately needs the income for himself?’
    â€˜I am not sure he has signed Doune over to the Crown but we must assume he has agreed, in some form, to help with the Scottish monarch’s outstanding ransom.’
    Catherine appeared confused. ‘What ransom?’
    â€˜Do you recalling me telling you the story of David, the long-time prisoner of our King Edward?’
    â€˜Yes, just before we entered Kent last.’
    â€˜Edward had David imprisoned for nigh on a decade and released him with the understanding that he pay a large ransom. Ten thousand marks to be precise.’
    Catherine paled. ‘How could anyone ever be expected to pay such an amount?’
    â€˜There are many in the Highlands who claim they have already given more than their due, but Edward states he has yet to receive a single instalment.’ Simon frowned. ‘My brother-by-marriage is a snivelling lecher who would do anything to

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