Nico's Cruse

Nico's Cruse by Jennifer Kacey Page A

Book: Nico's Cruse by Jennifer Kacey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Kacey
frustrated but she couldn’t help it. It couldn’t have been so easy, but she
sure wanted it to be.
    She kept her palm on the screen trying to feel something,
willing whoever would listen to let her through. They finally both moved away.
    “And before you even think about it, no I’m not going to
fall asleep while I’m on with you. So you can forget about trying that again.
I’ve already told you I can’t get the witch what she wants to break the curse.
This is my mistake and I’m going to deal with it.”
    “Well, I’m hoping you will. You can deal with it by
accepting my help.”
    “Why won’t you even hear me out? How do you even contact the
witch? Is she on your speed dial?”
    He considered it and then shook his head. “I don’t have a
clue how to get in touch with her. I thought she’d just appear when I needed
her. Doesn’t matter though. I don’t need to see her.”
    “But I could free you. You could have your life back.”
    “At what price? Cursing you in the process? Fuck that. This
isn’t some fairytale, Rose, where everything’s going to work out in the end.
There isn’t a happy ending in our future just because it’s what we want. She
said a trade, a life for a life, and I know I told you in my sleep last night.
I can’t believe I fell for that.”
    Frustration bled off of him, but she snapped back. “This
isn’t your choice to make, it’s mine. And I’ve already made it. I’ll do this
with or without your help. Make it easy on me, help me, and fall asleep so I
can see if I can get through. We don’t have that many hours left if your time
is up at midnight.”
    “I’m not helping you ruin your life. This is not your battle
to fight.”
    “I still believe in fairytales. Maybe we could have one,
    “That’s not how it works for me.”
    “Have a little faith,” she persisted. “At the very least
choose my profile next year. Tell me the date your week starts and I’ll be the
first profile you see. I’ll wait for you. A week with you each year would be
better than a lifetime with someone else.”
    Indecision radiated from him, then resignation marred his
features. “No, Rose. Don’t wait for me. Don’t try to come here. I won’t choose
your profile next year. I can’t have a taste of you and then have to let you go
again and again. It’s too cruel to both of us.”
    “Then let me fall asleep tonight, right now. I’ll lie here
and you can come to me one last time.” Tears fell unbidden down her cheeks and
she brushed them away angrily. She didn’t have time for being a weepy girl.
    Regret laced his words. “I can’t come to you tonight. I
can’t say goodbye again. I can’t. My heart’s already broken after seeing you
cry when I left this morning. Please forgive me but I just can’t. I have to
    He reached for his mouse to disconnect, but she yelled,
“Answer me one question, Nico. You owe me at least that much.”
    He clenched his hand into a fist and nodded once.
    “Do you love me?”
    He narrowed his eyes at her, and she couldn’t read him at
all. “You already know the answer to your question.”
    “No I don’t, or I wouldn’t be asking you. If I already know
it then it won’t hurt to say it out loud. Do you love me?”
    “Hopefully this will answer it.” And he was gone, the video
screen announcing his departure. For a few seconds she sat paralyzed, staring
at the empty screen, then she panicked, hitting keys, typing messages to him,
but nothing happened. Nothing changed.
    He wouldn’t answer her again, no matter how hard she tried
or what she told him. His mind was made up.
    Didn’t he realize love could move mountains?
    Didn’t he see he gave up his life for hers? It was no different
than what she was willing to do for his. “Stubborn man,” she cursed.
    She hit the button to connect to him, the phone dialing
seemed shrill in the quiet apartment. The password screen with six boxes
appeared, the edges blinking,

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