Love Charms

Love Charms by Multiple Page A

Book: Love Charms by Multiple Read Free Book Online
Authors: Multiple
    “And Raven, no more putting things in my
food or drink without my knowledge.” That was one thing he wanted control over,
his free will. He understood her fears. It made sense, but he wanted his own say.
This was going to be a choice they made together. She’d have her say, but he
wanted his just the same.
    “Deal.” She smiled sheepishly. “What if
it was some super sexual-enhancing powers?” She couldn’t help teasing him.
    “Well, I’m not averse to having a bigger
- ”
    “It’s perfect as it is.” She reassured.
    Derek pulled her back into his arms and
kissed her. His lips were soft and tender. When she was in his arms, when he
kissed her, everything felt right. She felt loved, safe, and warm. She never
meant to fall in love when they first started dating, but after spending more
time with Derek, she knew it would be hard to turn those feelings off.
    After another long, leisurely kiss, they
headed downstairs.
    “Looks like it’s going to be a nice day,”
she said, glancing out the window.
    “The sun is shining and I’m in love. I’d
say it’s a great day.” He couldn’t hide his smile. That was one thing he
noticed; he was always smiling when he was near Raven. She filled him with joy.
    “You’re all gushy and soft like a marshmallow.
I think it’s too much sex. Maybe we should cut you off until after the
wedding.” She teased him, knowing he’d protest.
    “Don’t you dare!” He laughed sheepishly.
Their sex was amazing. He loved how she felt in his arms.
    She showed her hand way too early with a
grin. “I couldn’t hold out either.” She loved being with him, naked and tangled
under the sheets. Their bodies fit together perfectly.
    Heading into the kitchen, she reached
into the fridge for a drink. “This stuff has no place in my world, or
shouldn’t! I got hooked on it in the mortal world. Diet soda, dear goodness,
it’s my damn vice.” She groaned. She never drank soda as a child, but coming to
suburbia and the mortal world, it became a regular instance.
    “No soda, huh? What did you grow up
having? What about juice?”
    “Witch’s brew, tea, water… none of this
chemical-laden stuff I’m hooked on now.” She shook her head. Her eating habits
had changed dramatically. During her childhood she ate so much better, and
drinks were naturally made. Out with the mortals, the markets were stocked with
shelves of chemicals and preservatives. It wasn’t real food, not the kind she
ate growing up…and yet, it was what her body had become accustomed to. She’d
grown lazy, enjoying the convenience of boxed meals, or quick microwavable
    “What’s witch’s brew?” There was so much
to learn. Even the tiny, trivial things would be new to him.
    “Oh,” she sounded like an excited little
girl. “It’s a smattering of flavors from nature. It can be different flavors,
but my mom used to make this fun cherry, fruity brew for my sister, brother,
and me. It’s sort of like a tea that you chill. I guess it’s not far from your
fruit punch. Only, it was all natural stuff. I make it time to time, but now
with adult tastes, I tend to use things like variations of mints and dandelion
    He smiled, watching her talk. “You glow
when you’re happy. It’s nice.” He loved to see her eyes light up, joy washing
through her.
    “Glow? Witch’s don’t glow, silly!” It was
nice to feel playful again.
    “No, not like fluorescent glow, I just
mean your eyes get bright, you smile, and you’re radiant. It’s like your entire
being is just happier.” He hated to change the topic, but needed to know more.
“So, this vow of secrecy… what do I need to know?”
    “Okay. If you choose to take the vow,
you’ll be signing your intent to carry through. Once you sign, you’ll be
allowed to continue learning more about my life as a witch. My family will
breathe a little easier, but it will still be awkward for a bit. We’re
naturally wary of mortals knowing about us

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