Royal Affair
pleasure.” Marta handed the
little girl to him.
    As monarch, he kissed babies from time to
time. As he gave this one a peck on the cheek, murmurs of
excitement went up and perhaps a few more giggles. The baby made
happy burbling noises and reached her hand toward his mouth. After
pretending to nibble on her fingers, he handed her back to Marta,
who returned her to her mother, a plump blonde young woman with a
healthy glow to her cheeks.
    For a moment, his arms felt empty without
their bundle. Dev and Felice would correct that soon.
    “Would you ladies mind if I borrowed Lady
Marta for a moment?” he said. “I’m afraid I need her
    With the ladies’ general ascent—and a few
more curtseys—he touched Marta’s elbow, and they left together.
    For appearances, he kept his distance as
they walked across the lawn, his hands at his back. “Thank you for
helping Felice and Casey to organize all this. It’s been a long
time since I had commoners at the palace.”
    “Your staff did all the work.”
    “Along with your staff,” he said. “And your
    “I enjoyed it. I haven’t entertained much…”
If she’d finished the sentence, she would have added since her
husband’s death.
    They walked for a bit without speaking,
headed away from the most crowded parts of the gathering. Having
her by his side felt natural, although the urge to touch her almost
overwhelmed him. So he kept his hands clenched together behind
    “What was it you needed me for?” she
    “Everything, it seems.”
    She chuckled. “That’s not very
    “I’ve missed you. The palace has been so
    “Dixie’s stepmother and sister constitute a
crowd all by themselves,” she said.
    “You noticed that, did you?”
    “And then, there’s Vaclav.”
    “I suppose every family has its problem
relatives,” he said. “What would you say if I could get away from
the crowds for a bit tonight?”
    Her gaze focused straight ahead and not on
him, she smiled. “For a private consultation?”
    “Very private.”
    “I think I could be available for that.”
    He’d known she’d say yes, of course, or he
wouldn’t have asked. But happiness bloomed in his heart
nevertheless. She was absolutely the perfect woman for him, and he
thanked the Almighty every day for this third chance he’d had at
love. He’d propose to her, privately, on the day of the wedding. He
would have a life mate into his golden years, after all.
    “I’m expected to indulge the men in brandy
and billiards after dinner. There’ll be a lot of swagger and
boasting late into the night, I’m afraid,” he said. “I’ll come to
you after that.”
    “I’ll wait up.”
    “Don’t. I’ll join you in bed.”
    “Mmm,” she said. “Sleepy sex.
    He’d make a mental note of that. He’d pay
attention to everything she liked about lovemaking, and then, when
they were married, they wouldn’t have to sneak around and pretend
for the benefit of others. They could have each other whenever they
wanted. His life was, indeed, perfect.
    Of course, Marta couldn’t sleep at all. What
woman could while waiting for her fantasy lover? She did get into a
filmy nightgown, turn off the lamp by the bed, and slip between the
sheets. The only light came from her bathroom, where she’d left the
door open just a crack so she could see him when he came in.
    The clock showed almost one when the door to
her sitting room opened and closed softly. A ripple of excitement
danced through her, but she closed her eyes to pretend sleep. Let
him “awaken” her with a kiss.
    He stopped on the threshold to her bedroom
and for a few seconds only stood there.
    “Beautiful,” he whispered.
    She smiled inwardly, not giving away the
fact that she’d heard him. He could make one word a precious gift,
and she’d keep this one close to her heart. Then he moved farther
into the room. A chair creaked as he sat in it, and then his shoes
hit the

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