Hidden Hope (Hidden Saga Book 3)

Hidden Hope (Hidden Saga Book 3) by Amy Patrick

Book: Hidden Hope (Hidden Saga Book 3) by Amy Patrick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Patrick
thought of seeing him again soon. There was nothing I wanted more. And just as quickly it sagged in my chest because I couldn’t allow it.
    “You can’t. You have to stay there.”
    “You have to, Nox. You still don’t know who you can trust, who might be on Davis’s side. If you go running off and leave your court, if anyone figures out why —that we’re together—it could be even more of a danger to my mom. And to you.” He started to protest until I added, “And to me.”
    His aggravated sigh was as clear as if we were in the same room. “You’re right. Damn it. I want to be with you right now. I feel like an alcoholic desperate for a drink—I don’t know how much longer I can wait.”
    It was amazing how accurately he’d described the exact feeling I had when I talked to him on the phone or listened to his music. It truly was like an addiction, and the withdrawal symptoms were kicking in big time.
    “I know what you mean. But we have to wait. If Davis really is planning to overthrow you and get his position back, you leaving right now could give him the perfect opportunity. Don’t worry about me—I’ll be okay. We’ll handle the thing with my mom.”
    “What are you going to do? Please tell me you don’t intend to go to D.C. after her.”
    “I’m going to D.C. after her.”
    “Not alone. Vancia will be there. If anyone knows how to handle her father, it’s her.”
    “What about Lad?”
    “He’s coming, too.” Why hadn’t I mentioned that to Nox earlier? Because I knew how he’d react, that’s why.
    His response was a low growl. “Why? Why is he always around?”
    “He’s not ‘always’ around. He brings me the saol water. That’s it. I’ve hardly seen him. And of course last night we met to talk about the thing with my mom.”
    “And now you’re going to travel with him.”
    “ And with Vancia—his fiancée.”
    “Yeah, well...” He didn’t finish the thought. Just left it hanging there.
    “Well what?”
    “When she was here, she never talked about him. Other than to confirm they are planning to get married, she didn’t have much to say about him or their plans. And... well, she doesn’t act engaged.”
    That got my attention. How does one act not -engaged?
    “If you ask me,” he continued. “She’s not really that into him.”
    A thrill of alarm went through me. If Vancia wasn’t that into Lad, who was she interested in? Part of me wanted to ask him to elaborate. The rest of me knew I’d sound like an insecure wreck if I did. I went for nonchalance.
    “Well... that’s too bad. For them. It would be a shame to spend eternity with someone you’re not that into. Anyway, enough about them. Tell me about you.”
    Now the warmth was back. “What’s to tell? I’m missing my hot girlfriend who I’m crazy in love with.”
    I giggled. “How’s your shoulder?”
    “All better. You know, accelerated healing, blah, blah, blah. Alfred was so mad at me for getting myself shot just as our first single was coming out. He was totally freaking about the tour. But my playing is back to normal, and the tour’s still on schedule.”
    “Maybe we’ll get all this resolved, and you can come see me before you leave.”
    “Maybe you can come with me—see the world, keep me company?”
    “Yeah.” His voice gained excitement as the idea seemed to solidify for him. “It’s the perfect solution. You can’t come to L.A. because of the Council and the Dark Elves who might still be loyal to Davis. But the only ones you’d see on the road would be my bandmates. And they’re not going to mess with us. All they care about is the music. And the girls. Rye—you have to come with me. We’re even going to be part of the Opening Ceremonies for the Summer Olympics in Boston—don’t you want to see that?”
    “Of course, and I want to see you. But what about school? What about the tea company?” What about the fact I lose my mind every

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