NightFall: Book One: Bloodlust Is the Cure for the Immortal Soul

NightFall: Book One: Bloodlust Is the Cure for the Immortal Soul by Anastacia Kelley

Book: NightFall: Book One: Bloodlust Is the Cure for the Immortal Soul by Anastacia Kelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anastacia Kelley
like long lost sisters, finding each other after all these years.
    Their friendship had been rock solid from day one. They stuck up for each other. Had each other’s backs, much to the maddening looks they got because of their strong bond. They were there for each other when a relationship didn’t pan out. They went on d ouble dates, gone to parties, shopp ed and tried new restaurants together. They acted a lot like siblings but with a lot less squabbling.
    It’s such a shame to get older. To get to a point where they would barely remember each other’s names, much less their own.
    The final thought before Simone gave in to sleep was: too bad life wasn’t eternal. Then they could be friends forever.
    Van k new she was on her way to Paris. He couldn’t stop the skip in his heart at the thought of finally getting close to her. He’s waited for what seemed like centuries and centuries. Saldivar knew of her visit as well because another was with her. There were two. They were fr iends which made it easier to do what needed to be done.
    Both nightwalkers were elated to meet these two extraordinary humans.
    The time had come.
    The jarring of the plane as it touched down woke Simone with a start. She’d had the weirdest dream. Problem was , she couldn’t remember it. But the way it made her feel when she was jerked from slumber was vaguely peculiar. She hated when that happened . The fragments of the dream were just beyond reach. She had the feeling of the dream but not the picture. She always wanted to kick herself for not being able to recall a dream. It would come to her if she would just put it out of her mind. The minute she started concentrating on so mething else, she knew the dream would instantly pop up in her head w ithout any labor on her part. But right now, she had Paris to explore.
    Simone and Indea made their way to Baggage Claim and found their luggage. With two weeks worth of clothes and necessities, they had to get a porter to haul it to Indea’s parent’s car waiting for them at pick up.
    Indea’s parents were outside waiting for them a few minutes later. The porter put the bags in the trunk and Indea’s father, Mr. Douglas Sky, tipped the man generously. The porter left with a huge grin on his face.
    “Pere. La Mere ,” Indea said joyously, holding her arms out for a three-way hug. “How I’ve missed you.”
    “We have missed you and Simone very much, Indea,” Mrs. Fredrica Sky said with a watery smile, a few tears spilling on her cheeks. “Simone. Come and give me and Douglas a welcome hug. We are so happy that you decided to stay with us for a while.”
    “It’s been too long since I’ve seen you guys.” Simone embraced them.
    “Let us only pray to the Creator that this will be a regular habit from now on,” Mr. Sky scolded lightly with a smile that gave him away.
    “We will, Dad. Mom,” Indea vowed.
    “Absolutely,” Simone agreed.
    “Well, if we are all through here, how about some dinner?” suggested Mr. Sky.
    “That sounds great! I’m famished.” Indea opened the car door and got in.
    “You don’t have to ask me twice.” Simone followed after.
    With that, Douglas started the car and went to his and his wife’s favorite restaurant just ten miles away.
    “How do you like my parents’ new home?” Indea asked once they were in Simone’s room, unpacking.
    Simone took in the vastness of the room . “It is breathtaking. It’s completely magnificent and charming.”
    Most of the home was done up in a Victorian style. Lace curtains. Antique armoires. A four poster bed with a canopy wrapped in a delicate white lace. Plush ivory carpeting that felt like velvet across your bare feet. Wooden frames showing off abstract paintings and Paris scenery. Handmade doilies were placed on the dresser to set off antique knick knacks and other worldly and precious items.
    Simone ran her hand across the tri-colored quilted bedspread that had an array of flowers sewn in. “I could

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