Cruising for Love (The Escape Series Book 2)

Cruising for Love (The Escape Series Book 2) by Ann Omasta

Book: Cruising for Love (The Escape Series Book 2) by Ann Omasta Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Omasta
loads of wonderful things about you in front of the camera, but the show manipulated the one thing they said that could be construed as less than flattering to make it look like you are spoiled rotten."
    I lean back on the railing, unconcerned about falling. I know in my heart that what Syd has said is true. My family and friends still love me, but seeing them on screen adding fuel to the 'hate Ruthie' fire had been overwhelming and sad. "I wish I could see the entire videos that were filmed with each of them," I admit to Syd.
    "I'm sure they are all just as upset about the rotten portrayal as you are," he reminds me.
    "You think so?" My voice sounds hopeful. It's not that I want them to feel bad, but I would like to know for sure that they hadn't intended to make me looks so horrible.
    Syd nods, then his eyes widen with an idea. "Come with me." He grabs my hand, pulling me behind him.
    I follow him into a tiny ladies room. He drags me inside and snicks the lock into place. "You shouldn't be in here," I remind him.
    "It's okay," he reassures me before adding, "there won't be any cameras in here."
    Comprehension dawns as he pulls a cell phone out of his pocket. "One call," he tells me, before adding sternly, "And if you tell anyone, I'll deny it."
    "I won't tell a soul," I promise, grabbing the phone greedily. I don't have to think long about who to call, especially since her number is one of the few that I know by heart in this day of automatic dialing.
    She picks up on the first ring. Rather than a traditional greeting, she answers by saying, "I'm going to give those snot-nosed, lying television turds a piece of my mind!"
    I have no idea how she knew I was on the other end of the phone, since I'm using Syd's cell, but her fired-up, no-nonsense response immediately makes me feel better. "Baggy," I breathe a sigh of relief as I talk to my wild, crazy, grab-'em-by-the-balls-and-never-let-go grandmother.

Chapter 19
    Feeling a great deal better after my chat with Baggy, I emerge from my bathroom hideaway with Syd. Knowing now how the producers of the show want to portray me, I figure they'll try to make it look like he and I shared a forbidden rendezvous in the ladies' room. I refuse to worry about that right now, though.
    Not wanting to run into anyone from the show, but too jacked up to sleep, I turn to Syd with a questioning look. Sensing my dilemma, he takes my hand. "I have an idea. Come with me."
    I gladly follow him, feeling relieved to let him do all the thinking. When he pushes the elevator button for the fifth floor, I start to become slightly nervous. Thankfully, he leads me in the opposite direction of the 'theatre of shame,' where my fiasco of an internet television debut had just occurred.
    When we reach the smaller theatre at the back of the ship––at least I think it's the back, although I still get turned around in the vessel's enormous interior––I balk about entering. "I don't want to be around people," I inform Syd, although I would have thought he should already know that.
    "This is where the overflow crowd from the show's debut had to go," he reveals. "Our theatre was standing room only, so the people in here have no idea what happened." He points to a Broadway-style poster that indicates there is a magic-comedy act in progress.
    I don't feel a bit like watching a cheesy comedian. My face must have betrayed my reluctance because Syd leans in to convince me. "It will be dark in there, and we can partake in some adult beverages."
    "You had me at dark." I smile at him. A lack of light means that cameras won't be able to watch my every move. It's amazing how quickly my feelings about having my every word and gesture recorded have changed. Just yesterday, I loved the attention because it made me feel special and sought after. Now––not so much.
    We try to slip quietly in to the back of the theatre. I sure don't need a snarky comedian picking on me for arriving late to his show. It takes a bit for our

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