Inner Guidance
what he did for a living—he recognized spiritual experiences when they happened and documented them. Of course he would want to hear all about what I was experiencing.
    In spite of feeling vulnerable, I had been eager to meet him and had come here ready to ask him questions.
    But now a subtle inner alarm went off, and I felt compelled to keep silent about the experience. It was not time to share.
    As much as I wanted to hear what the professor had to say, I knew that I could not speak about my experience to him. It was as if I would be breaking some unknown spiritual law, were I to do so. I apologized, telling him that I needed to go home.
    Although it was early spring and the weather had been warm for days, I awoke the next morning to a light snow covering the ground. The sun was shining brightly on this white blanket, and the world seemed refreshingly clean and peaceful.
    This beautiful scene only emphasized what I was sensing: I had been transformed by the experience of Inner Guidance_CH 06-10.p65
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    Inner Guidance: Our Divine Birthright
    the night before. I had a new and different perspective; I felt greater love for everyone and everything. I had stood in a vast ocean of love, and I was changed forever.
    I had returned as I had to, and yet it seemed as if I had never left at all. Had I been able to carry with me some of the mystery, love, and blessings of the heavenly realms of God? Now my world seemed blessed and beautiful, and I no longer ached to remain aloof and distant from life; I was glad to be back.
    I was busy instructing my second class that morning, when the principal came in. He gently asked me to follow him and added that I should bring my purse.
    “Am I going somewhere?” I asked him softly. “And what about my class? I’m teaching.”
    I sensed something foreboding in his manner. He didn’t want to speak about it in front of the students.
    “I need you to come to the office. Don’t worry about the class.” He addressed the students and directed them very patiently and simply, “Please continue.”
    He stepped out of the room and walked just ahead of me. I understood. Last night’s prediction had begun its course. Somewhere, someone I knew and loved was close to death. And yet, I now knew that there is no death. That message filled my head: “In truth, there is no death—only the illusion of death.”
    I was about to learn the next level of truth about inner guidance, in a very dramatic and unexpected way.
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    There Is No Death:
    Inner Guidance
    Assists with a Loved One
    We look for the Light, and we listen for the Sound of ECK. With these as our inspiration and guide, our pillars of strength, we can take any hardship in life; we can accept this life as an opportunity for Soul to reach God Consciousness.
    —Harold Klemp
    The Golden Heart 11
    I recalled the previous night’s inner message:
    “Someone very close to you appears to be dy-
    ing.” Hoping I was up to whatever lay before me, I somberly followed the principal into his office. I was startled to find Jon waiting there for me. He had his back to the door.
    Jon abruptly turned and spoke very quickly and quietly, “Anne, it’s your sister, Debbe. You have to go to New York right away. They think she has only hours to live. The doctors don’t believe she’ll make it through the day, so they’ve been trying to reach the closest relatives as quickly as possible. Your mother is already on her way there.”
    Inner Guidance_CH 06-10.p65
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    Inner Guidance: Our Divine Birthright
    After I’d left for school in the morning, Jon had answered the phone when it rang. My mother was calling to try to reach me and clarify what was going on. She explained everything to Jon, and he then packed some clothes for me and reserved an airline ticket in my name.
    Mother had said Debbe was in the hospital and on the verge of death. Instantly, Jon had

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