The Weight of Souls
were still inside. “I forgot something in my locker, see you in class?”
    Hannah looked alarmed. “You aren't skipping out on me again?”
    I shook my head. “I'll be back before bell. Save me a seat.”
    Hannah inhaled and didn't move.
    “Honest, Han, I'm coming back.”
    She glanced at my gloved hand.
    “What?” Self-consciously I folded my arms, hiding the glove from sight.
    “You bail on me a lot when your eczema is bad,” Hannah shrugged. “It's a pattern.”
    “Oh.” I worried at the glove with my nails. “I hadn't noticed.”
    “Whatever, it's no big. I'll save you a seat.”
    “I will see you in a minute.”
    Hannah followed the last of the hags into the classroom and she didn't look back.
    I wanted to go and check the waiting area outside Mr Barnes’ office. I hoped Justin might be hanging around waiting for his girlfriend. But the hallway was empty and the chairs sat unused. There was no sign of any dead.
    I flexed my Marked hand and looked at the clock. There was still time for him to show up in class. If he still believed he was alive, he would come to school.
    As I prepared to head back to the classroom, the door to Mr Barnes’ office opened. Pete stood with his back to me, still holding the handle down, but he made no further move to leave. Mr Barnes was just finishing up.
    My breath shortened as I realised that I was alone and about to come face-to-face with the whole group. I wasn’t sure who I was more worried about, James or Tamsin. Normally I’d deal, but today they were unpredictable and with Justin missing, the teachers would let them get away with more than usual.
    Swiftly I slipped into the shadow behind the drinks machine. It wasn’t the best hiding place, but it might keep them from noticing me.
    I stared at the ceiling, pressing myself into the cool metal, as the door clicked shut.
    “Tamsin, you gotta chill.” That was Harley.
    “Mr Barnes says everything will be alright.” Pete. “He has a contact in the force, a bloke from his club. There’s nothing to worry about.”
    “You – you think they’ll find Justin?” Tamsin’s voice wobbled and I almost felt sorry for her.
    “Yeah, they’ll find him.” That was James. “Let’s get to class.”
    “We’re still meeting this week?” They were moving further down the corridor and I risked a look around the drinks machine. Tamsin was clinging onto James’ arm as if it were a lifebelt.
    James nodded at her. “We have to show. People depend on us.”
    At the back of the group Pete hesitated, then turned. I pulled back too slowly and his eye caught mine. He shook his head: disappointment, exasperation? I wasn’t sure. Either way, he said nothing, simply turned and trailed his gang into class.
    I knocked my head against the drinks machine making it rattle and Mr Barnes emerged from his office.
    “Are you waiting for me, Miss Oh?”
    I clutched my bag. Moron. “No. I was just on my way to class.”
    He frowned at me over his glasses and his pudgy fingers worked around his tie. “I don’t want any trouble today, Miss Oh. I’m thinking particularly of Justin's friends. They are having a difficult time and I do not want to hear reports of you antagonising them.”
    “That’s not fair–” Heat flushed my chest.
    “I don’t want to hear it, Miss Oh. Get to class.”
    He closed his door in my face and I stood for a moment, shaking. My gloved hand wound around the straps of my pack and I tried not to picture winding it around his neck. Then I closed my eyes and exhaled. If only he was the sort to commit murder, I could stamp him with a one way ticket into the Darkness.
    Stifling the fantasy I smirked, Mr Barnes wouldn’t be earning a trip to Anubis any time soon. But I could dream.
    Above my head the class bell rang. Still no sign of Justin. I ground my teeth and ran down the corridor. If he didn’t show up in school today I’d have to start looking elsewhere. In a few short weeks the Darkness

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