Fang Shway in LA
to prove my point. Nevertheless, no one was ever going to hurt me like my father’s death had. His untimely death nearly killed me. I just wouldn’t risk my heart like that again. I changed into dark clothing, strapped on my gun and my pouch containing several vials that might come in handy. Pulling on my bracelet, I picked up my staff and headed back to the living room.
    Traygen, armed to the teeth, had Tokem sedately sitting on his shoulder. “Shall we?” I asked as I walked out to the car and got in. We drove as fast as we dared toward the Chivas estate. With tires squealing, graveling flying in all directions, we spun off the road and hurtled toward the house.
    Traygen stopped the car and started to get out. I grabbed his arm. “We are too late, the vamps are already here. Do you smell that?”
    “Blood, lots of blood, Tokem, go and watch the back.” He said as he slid from the car with his gun drawn. I followed his lead and took the safety off my own gun. We started around the corner of the car. We heard the crunching of gravel about the same time.
    “Don’t move and throw those guns out in front of you. Do it, if I’d wanted you dead you would be. Turn around slowly and no tricks, I’m not in the mood.”
    Following orders, I dropped my weapon and turned to face Ekil, the Daywalker and several vampires. Shit, we’re screwed.
    “Come inside I want you to see this for yourselves,” Ekil ordered. He turned and headed for the house. The Daywalker and the other vampires surrounded us as we followed Ekil. I was feeling claustrophobic because this was way too much up close and personal attention from the vampires.
    The minute I entered the house the stench of death hit me, I struggled with my queasy stomach and wrestled to keep my saltines down. “What in the hell happened here,” I whistled through clenched teeth. My head pounded from my earlier encounter with the tree and from holding my breath.
    Ekil turned to face me and his face looked as gray as I felt. “I was hoping you could tell us. When we came for the wizard this is what we found. He was nowhere around, but my Daywalker could sense his energy. He hadn’t been gone long.”
    I nodded, “I smell his power, too. What is that stench?” Gazing around, it didn’t take me long to find it. There were at least seven men and several women or what was left of them. I held my breath and moved closer. “A curse, a very, very strong curse” I said. I turned and almost ran to the door. Gulping large quantities of air didn’t help and I retched until I believed my internal organs would be next. I heard someone walk up behind me and assumed Traygen had come to check on me.
    “Are you all right, wizard?” I nearly wet my pants, it was the Daywalker. Realizing he startled me he stepped respectfully back and waited.
    When my heart final stopped pounding, I answered. “I need to thank you. Do you have a name?”
    I saw a smile briefly flicker across his mouth, “many, and I’m sure they’re not all flattering. My given name is Vicor, may I call you Lauren?”
    I nodded my consent and waited for Vicor to continue.
    “I need your help,” he finally said.
    Stammering, I barely got my question out, “My help? Why?”
    “Yes, your help. You saw those bodies and you know we didn’t kill those people. I need you to convince the World Council of our innocence, but, what I need the most is your help in stopping this wizard.”
    “I will do what I can with the council but why do you care about the wizard? What is he to you?”
    Vicor stared intently at me, deciding what he should say. He must have made up his mind because his answer shocked me. “To save my own life and the lives of the vampires in Ekil’s thrall. It should be obvious to you by now the wizard wants the spear for himself. The spear is powerful beyond imagination and deadly to vampires. He has successfully framed us with the Mexican drug cartels, which will now be gunning for us.”

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