Paying Guests

Paying Guests by Claire Rayner

Book: Paying Guests by Claire Rayner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Rayner
notice, but Eliza saw to all that yesterday,’ Tilly said. ‘I shall put your riding clothes on your bed.’ And she led the way out of the dining room as Duff, a little gloomily, addressed himself to the remainder of his coffee.
    ‘I am much obliged to you, Mr Geddes,’ Tilly said as they reached the staircase. ‘It is clearly no secret that my foolish son overdid his entertainment somewhat last night.’
    ‘I would think less of him if he had not,’ Silas said heartily. ‘It’s not every day a boy leaves schooldays behind him and becomes a gentleman of leisure. At least for a little while. I imagine he will have some future occupation?’
    ‘As to that, we cannot be sure yet,’ Tilly said. She set her foot on the lowest step. ‘I really must go and deal with those riding clothes. Will you be here for luncheon?’
    ‘I will indeed.’ He smiled at her cheerfully. ‘I would not miss oneof Eliza’s collations for the world. Perhaps then we can speak of your attending my meeting?’
    ‘Perhaps,’ she said. ‘But at present you must forgive me –’
    ‘Of course.’ He came up the stairs behind her. ‘In the meantime, if your son feels the need of a man in whom to confide his anxieties –’
    She had reached the top landing and at this she stopped and turned to look at him, a faint frown between her brows. ‘I am not sure I understand you, Mr Geddes,’ she said stiffly, trying not to give credence to the thought that had come into her mind; that he had listened at the door to her conversation with Duff last night and was, for his own reasons, trying to involve himself in her affairs.
    ‘Oh, please,’ he said. ‘I’m not trying to meddle in what does not concern me. It’s just that I’m not so old that I can’t remember what it’s like to be growing up and to have anxieties that need a man’s opinion! I was reared by my maiden aunt, after my parents’ death, and there were times when, excellent lady though she was, I positively ached to find a sensible male ear into which I could pour some of my words. I found such a one in the son of our local vicar, and I much appreciated his friendship. I see certain parallels for your son in my own case. My aunt, like you, was a dear, caring lady who wanted only the best for her boy and who showed a most admirable delicacy of character. She never pried into my private thoughts, but was always there should I need her. I imagine you are like that. And that being so, it is harder for your son to tell you of those worries he might have of which he is not proud – and at seventeen or so we are all ashamed of the thoughts that beset us – than to tell someone else. He will be concerned to protect his own reputation in your eyes, d’you see? I am offering to be that someone else. Should he choose me for that task, of course. I would not impose myself on him for the world.’
    She looked at him for a long time, uncertain what to say and after a while he laughed and shook his head. ‘I try too hard, I fear,’ he said ruefully. ‘Never mind, Mrs Quentin. Give it no more thought, I beg of you. I was but seeking to be useful. Ah, Duff!’ for downstairs the dining-room door had opened again and Duff had emerged.‘You see, I gossip. But I shall be ready directly!’ And he nodded at Tilly and went off to his own room with a rapid lope, leaving her to help Duff find his riding clothes and prepare for his morning in the saddle.
    She walked to the shops, thinking hard as she went. Mr Geddes certainly seemed to have a wise head on his not-so-old shoulders. How old was he? She hadn’t thought about the matter before. It was hard to tell, because he was not entirely like other men. He did not use tobacco, for example, so his face was never screwed up against rising smoke and that, she knew, made men’s faces line more swiftly than they might. Also he ate abstemiously, which would encourage his neat youthful figure. He might be older than he appeared, however, and she

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