Forever My Love (Historical Romance)
Oh, please, she thought fervently, let this be permission to go home.
    As she had suspected, the letter was not from Mr. Routhland, but from Mr. Bartholomew. Undaunted, she began to read:
    Dear Mistress Bradford,
    I am answering your last letter on behalf of Mr. Routhland. He has asked me to convey his hope that you will soon adjust to your environment. It is his wish that you exercise every effort to cultivate friendships. Study and make the most of your education.
    Her hopes were dashed. Too stunned to cry, she could only stare at the letter. So it was Mr. Routhland's wish that she exercise every effort to cultivate friendships. How far away she was from home, and more than three years yawned before her like a bottomless pit. A lone tear trailed down Royal's cheek, and she turned away so Hannah would not see her cry.
    Each day would be a trial for her. How much longer would she be forced to endure the spiteful innuendos that she was the cause of Kathleen Griffin's dismissal?
    She should have written to her aunt rather than Damon Routhland. But, no, it would be cruel to upset Aunt Arabella, who would only suffer needlessly if she knew about Royal's misery, and she could do nothing about it anyway. Thus far Royal had managed to keep her letters to her aunt cheerful, stressing only the good in her life rather than dwelling on her unhappiness.
    Hannah broke into Royal's thoughts. "Have you forgotten it's time to leave for the outing, Miss Royal? Mrs. Fortescue has asked that you come below where the others are already assembled."
    With a heavy heart, Royal reached for her bonnet and tied it beneath her chin. She felt drab and ugly in her black riding habit, and she knew the others would be dressed in frosty pinks, bright yellows, and stunning reds.
    She moved mechanically to the door. Today the students were going to the country for a day of riding and picnicking. The other girls had talked of nothing else for weeks, while Royal had dreaded this day.
    At the bottom of the stairs, she stood apart from the other girls while they filed out in an orderly manner. Mrs. Fortescue was directing them into the seven carriages lined along the front drive.
    Royal's heart sank and she considered pretending illness when she realized Mrs. Fortescue was placing her in the second carriage with Lady Alissa. She felt her stomach churn, and just for a moment she did feel ill.
    "Move along, Royal," Mrs. Fortescue urged. "That's right, in you go."
    To Royal's dismay, when she climbed into the open carriage, she accidentally brushed against the shawl that lay across Lady Alissa's lap, causing it to fall to the floor.
    "I am sorry... it was clumsy of—"
    Lady Alissa's face was etched with fury. "I have often observed that gracefulness is not one of your strong points," she said in an irate voice. This drew giggles from the other two girls in the carriage.
    Royal bent forward to retrieve the shawl, and Lady Alissa grabbed it from her. "Troublesome girl. One wonders if you will ever be taught manners. I have great sympathy for your teachers."
    Royal felt her anger stir and with great effort brought it under control. There was nothing to be gained by quibbling with Lady Alissa. Her father had once told her that the best way to win an argument was to avoid it altogether. She would test that theory today and just ignore the other girls, Lady Alissa in particular.
    Royal turned her attention to the eastern horizon, where the sun had just appeared from behind a cloud. The weather was balmy and the sky was blue, but for a few scattered clouds.
    As the seven buggies pulled away from Fulham School in a procession, Royal leaned back and studied the tips of her fingers. It was going to be a long two hours, she thought, feeling a coldness in her heart.
    The horses clopped along the wide avenue at a steady pace, while Royal tried to ignore the remarks that were surely being made for her benefit. Deborah Stoughton, who always seemed to be Lady Alissa's

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