Discovering Treasure

Discovering Treasure by Crystal Mary Lindsey

Book: Discovering Treasure by Crystal Mary Lindsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Mary Lindsey
sitting on the riverbank and catching fish. How I used to love to do that as a child. Yet when you are a bank manager people would have looked down their noses if I’d been seen, so I have dreamt about it and read much about it, but never ventured to it.”
    Treasure could remember having seen magazines specifically about that in his home. Why, this was something he could do here and no one would judge him for it. “Well that seems like something else we could bring about. Perhaps a fishing club with a small prize for the biggest fish, maybe you could get yourself a Tinnie –, oh, I can just see you out in a boat and then bringing home lovely fish for a meal” And so it was decided, Uncle would be a regular visitor and would enjoy his hobby. It was about time he learned to relax, have fun and relish life. Treasure almost skipped the rest of the way home.
    Uncle flew out with Connor next day with the promise he would be back a few days before Christmas and remain until New Year’s Day. If only her mother could see the happiness coming about due to the relaxed attitude between family and this little town. Treasure knew she would have liked it.
    Kelvin was as busy as a bee and right in his element of organizing. Connor was due back in two days, so the town planned their meeting for Friday night. Meanwhile Kel, the reverend now being called Thomas, and the headmaster Greg Brown all made plans of how to produce diagrams for the tanks, to gain town approval. With Treasure supporting all the expense, Connor chipped in to pay the salaries. There was much planning to do because they needed the work well on the way before any rain could fall.
    Everyone kept busy with one thing or another and by the middle of November –, just one day after the tanks where finished, the rain fell in deluges, soon filling everything including the river below and making a muddy mess of the streets. People remained indoors as much as possible as the road was awash, turning dirt to slosh which was fun for the children, but not so for the adults.
    Connor began venturing over on odd occasions and spending an afternoon talking with Treasure about her life living in different countries, and the customs and the things she missed. Often he remained for the evening meal and later a game of cards with Kel. Treasure no longer felt daunted by him and missed him on his odd jaunts to Sydney or Melbourne. She often wondered whether he had another family there. Could she be jealous? She supposed all being as it was, then yes, she did care for him, a little more than she would have liked. She was losing ground. By the way he looked at her; she could see a longing in those eyes of his for more, so why didn’t he ever approach her to go for a walk alone as Thomas did with Ella? Goodness, she turned twenty six years old soon, what was he waiting for? Okay then, she would take the bull by the horns and invite herself on his next visit to Melbourne, and see what happened.
    â€œI’d like to have some time away, and hope you can take me with you to Melbourne on your next trip. What do you say Connor?” They’d just finished an evening meal and were waiting for coffee to be served. If Connor felt any surprise in her asking then he didn’t show it.
    â€œThat’s fine with me, I intend to go again as soon as the rain dries up, and it’s much safer then. Have you travelled in a small open small plane before?”
    She assuring him she hadn’t but she didn’t think it would be a problem because she suffered no ill effects from heights. So it was settled. As soon as the rain debated they would be off. Ella was so excited for her. And Treasure assured her it was purely a business venture.
    â€œJust write down the names of those hair colors and butterfly clips for styling.” Ella had bought scissors with her from Paris, so that was no trouble. But she would need other things as well.
    The trip was exciting, never

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