The Devil's Lover: The Wish
She could have sworn she heard someone
    Running to the edge a few hundred
yards from the castle, Kali looked down and got dizzy from the
height. The castle was situated two hundred yards above ground. It
was not possible for her to get down. She heard a horse neighing in
the distance, coming closer. A black stallion was running toward
her. No it wasn’t a horse, it was a black Pegasus. Its black wings
spread out like the wings of a dove. It stopped in front of
    “ I would be more surprised
if I saw a horse with wings a couple of weeks ago. Actually, I
don't even know how long I've been here,” she slowly reached her
hand out to pet the steed. It responded with a friendly whicker. It
jerked its head, telling her to get on its back.
    “ You want me to get
    The Pegasus nodded.
    “ You can understand
    It nodded again.
    “ Now I’ve seen
everything!” It took her a couple of jumps before she managed to
mount the beast.
    “ Now what?” she
    The steed neighed and dashed forward
to leap off the cliff. Taken by surprise, Kali grabbed its mane so
she wouldn’t fall off. It made a steep drop close the ground,
before it flapped its wings and veered up into the sky. Kali felt
nauseated from the speed and the movement. She was hanging on for
dear life.
    “ Where are you taking me?”
Kali asked the Pegasus. She was squinting to protect her eyes from
the high speed wind coming at her. Several minutes later, he landed
on the ground. Kali hurriedly got off the steed. Without waiting
for her, it took off.
    After Kali shook off the dizziness,
she found herself somewhere inside the city. The buildings were so
tall that they rivaled each other for a place in the sky. Instead
of the rich and musty odor that so many cities commonly possessed,
there was a light, pleasant sandalwood scent in the air.
    The city was devoid of people, but she
could feel other presences all around. They were watching her every
move. Sometimes she would catch an image of a person from the
corner of her eye, but when she turned to look, there was no one
there. She couldn't understand why they were watching her so
closely. She felt like she was being stalked.
    She picked up her pace as she
    She feared that if they decided to,
they could attack her at any time. She had felt nothing but
hostility from the demons since she first arrived. They were not
just watching her; they were staring down at her. She remembered
their proud faces when she encountered them in the castle. The only
reason they hadn’t become physical with her was because of Lucifer.
He had openly declared her to be his property in front of his
subjects. Though degrading, it had kept her safe until
    She didn't realized how long she had
walked, absorbed in her thoughts. She could only guess it had been
a while when she found herself alone, surrounded by unbelievably
massive tree trunks. She had seen trees these sizes in travel
magazine, but it is one thing to see them in picture and another to
stand between them. She felt so small and insignificant by
    The atmosphere was still; the
surroundings were eerily quiet. Everything felt so alien. From the
strangely glowing, moving plants to the little creatures she found
living amongst the trees. Every step of the walk, she discovered
something new. They were strange, new, and exciting things she had
never seen before. 
    She became increasingly distracted by
how thick the atmosphere had become. It was getting much harder to
    She didn’t know where she was, or how
far she was from the castle. In fact, she didn't even know if they
were still on Earth anymore. Although there was no sun here, the
sky still shifted color. It was getting darker and darker as she
ventured deeper into the forest. When it got too dark to see her
hands in front of her, she began to feel fear creeping up her
spine. Strange low growls were somewhere close by. She didn’t know
what to expect. At least in the

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