A Sheik's Spell

A Sheik's Spell by Eboni Snoe

Book: A Sheik's Spell by Eboni Snoe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eboni Snoe
where Kareem and his grandmother used to live before she died. It is hard to get other families to move in; they fear she is still here even in death. She was a different kind of woman. Many people sought her when sick, but only when they needed her real bad.”
    ‘ ‘Why were they so afraid of her?’ ’
    “Because after Kareem’s mother died while giving birth to Kareem, she never was the same. She blamed herself for her daughter’s death. She always wanted her to marry someone of station and she forbid her to see anyone who was not. But Tahillah (Tah-hee-luh) fell in love with one of the workers, and when she became pregnant she was afraid to let her mother know. She harmed herself by keeping her belly tied down so she would not notice. When she gave birth, the sack had become attached to her spine. It burst inside of her. Only the child could be saved.” “Why does Na’im feel so responsible for Kareem?” “Because Kareem’s grandmother always thought Tahillah would many him. He feels he could have told her the truth; that there was no chance of them marrying.” “Why wasn’t there?”
    ‘ ‘Na’im’s father had already made clear that he could not many Tahillah. He said she was not of the right family bloodline.”
    “So is that so very important to Sheik Rahman? That Na’im marry someone of the proper bloodline?”
    “I can only say what I heard. But Na’im was much younger then, Felicia. Now he is a man with his own mind. I do not believe anyone can speak for Na’im.”
    Felicia could see the pity that Fatimah held in her eyes as she looked at her. Felicia was not someone who liked to be pitied. She had gotten where she was in the world not by pity, but through knowledge, strength, hard work and pride. Many people back home didn’t believe she would amount to anything, but she had proven them all wrong. Felicia was a believer in making the impossible possible. So why did her heartache with every word Fatimah spoke?
    Felicia tried to make light of the conversation. ‘ ‘Well, I guess that’s why I’m glad my father was a production worker. With that kind of background, I can marry whomever I wish,’ ’ she chided. ‘ ‘I think this place will be
    just perfect for the lab, Fatimah. There’s plenty of space. We have access to water, and even though there is no electricity, that won’t be a problem. We’ve brought our own emergency generators. It needs some cleaning up, and I’ll start working on that this afternoon.”
    “That is not necessary. I will send one of the servants from the house to take care of it”
    “No, that’s alright. I need something constructive to do to keep me out of trouble. Plus, I need to make a preliminary layout of how the lab will be set up. So don’t bother. Everything will work out just fine.”
    Felicia returned to the house with Fatimah, borrowed one of the servant’s outfits, and spent the rest of the day clearing out the small house. The physical work gave her a channel through which she could vent her frustration and confusion. Tomorrow she would do the scrubbing and then the lab would be ready when Phillip and the others arrived with the equipment.
    The sun was setting as she walked back to the house. She could see the servants preparing the dining room for die evening meal. She was too tired to dress for dinner, so once again she decided to eat her meal in the privacy of her own quarters. Felicia knew Waheedah’s presence had something to do with her reluctance, but she didn’t want to even think about why.
    Chapter Sixteen
    Felicia had finished her meal and was sketching a rough layout of how she thought the lab should look, when Fatimah came up to her room. Her heart began to quicken as she heard the footsteps on the tiled floor in the hall. She had braced herself, willing herself to be the picture of poise as Na’im walked through the door. When she heard Fatimah’s voice call from the other side, she could not help but be

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