Tratado de economía marxista Tomo II

Tratado de economía marxista Tomo II by Ernest Mandel

Book: Tratado de economía marxista Tomo II by Ernest Mandel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ernest Mandel
Tags: Ciencias sociales
    SCHLESINGER, Rudolf: «Some Problems of present kolkhoz organization», in Soviet Studies , II, pp. 325-355; III, pp. 288-315.
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    SCHUMPETER, Josef: Business Cycles , McGraw-Hill, New York, 1939. Vol. I 448 pp.; vol. II, 1095 pp.
    SCHUMPETER, Josef: History of Economic Analysis . Oxford University Press New York, 1954, 1260 pp.
    SCHUMPETER, Josef: Imperialism and Social Classes . Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1951, 221 pp. [Imperialismo y clases sociales . Tecnos, Madrid.]
    SCHUMPETER, Josef: The Theory of Economic Development . Oxford University Press, New York, 1961, 255 pp. [Teoría del desenvolvimiento económico . Fondo de Cultura Económica, México.]
    SCHUMPETER, Josef: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy . Allen & Unwin, London, 1943, 382 pp. [ Capitalismo, socialismo y democracia . Aguilar, Madrid.]
    SCHURR, Sam H. y MARSCHAK, Jakob: Economic Aspects of Atomic Power . Princeton University Press, 1951, 289 pp. [ Aspectos económicos de la energía atómica . Aguilar, Madrid.]
    SCHWADRON, Benjamin: The Middle East, Oil and the Great Powers . Atlantic Press, London, 1955, 500 pp. 1950,
    SCHWARTZ, Harry: Russia’s Soviet Economy . Prentice Hall, New York, 1950, 592 pp. [ La economía de la Rusia soviética . Aguilar, Madrid.]
    SCHWARTZ, Solomon: Les ouvriers en Union Soviétique . Riviere, Paris, 1956, 535 pp.
    SCOTT, William Robert: The Constitution and Finance of English, Scottish and Irish Joint-Stock Compagnies to 1720 . Cambridge University Press, 1912, vol. I, 488 pp.
    SEACOCK, Seth and MANDELBAUM, David: «A 19th century development project in India: The cotton improvement program», in Economic Development and Cultural Change , July 1955.
    SÉÉ, Henrí: Histoire économique de la France , Armand Colin, Paris, 1939, tomo I, 453 pp.
    SÉÉ, Henri: Origines du capitalisme moderne . Armand Colin (6e edition), Paris, 1951, 210 pp. [Orígenes del capitalismo moderno . Fondo de Cultura Económica, México.]
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    XLVIIe Semaine Sociale de France: Socialisation et personne humaine . Chronique Sociale de France. Lyon. 1961, 434 pp.
    SERENI, Emilio: La questione agraria nella Rinascité nationale italiana . Einaudi, Roma, 1946, 461 pp.
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    SHANNON, Fred A.: The Farmer’s Last Frontier (Agriculture 1860-1897). Farrar & Rinehart, New York, 1945, 434 pp.
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    SHARP, Samuel L.: Nationalization of Key Industries in Eastern Europe . Foundation for Foreign Affairs, Washington, D. C., 1946, 81 pp.
    SHOUP, Carl S.: Principles of National Income Analysis . Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston Riverside Press, 1947, 405 pp.
    SINHA, Narendra Krishna y BANER-JEE, Anil Chandra: History of India . Muckerjee & Co., Calcutta, 1947, 2nd edition, 655 pp.
    SITZEN, Pieter H. W.: The Industrial Development of the Netherlands Indies .
    SLICHTER, Sumner H.: What’s Ahead for American Business , Atlantic Monthly Press Book, Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1951, 216 pp.
    SMITH, Adam: Wesen und Ursachen des Volkswohlstandes . Verlag von R. L, Prager, Berlin, 1905, Band

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