Wickedest Witch

Wickedest Witch by Eve Langlais

Book: Wickedest Witch by Eve Langlais Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Langlais
revise given her upcoming job. “Kind of. He’s a groomsman and he’s going to be my partner for the wedding.”
    “Oh, the man Rumpelstiltskin wanted you to have to help you guard his little girl.”
    “You know about the job?” said Evangeline , surprised. She’d assumed her mother would keep it a secret so as to not stress Isobel before the wedding from Hell.
    “ Of course I do. Christopher and I don’t keep secrets from each other,” said Isobel smugly.
    So it wasn’t Mother who tattled. Of even more surprise was Isobel’s belief that Christopher didn’t belong in the same category as every other lying, scum-sucking male on the planet. I mean, come on, my sister’s fiancé is the heir to Hell. But hey, if it made her happy to believe he told her everything, Evangeline wouldn’t ruin it. She might act abrasive with her sister, but the truth she’d deny if anyone asked? She loved her sibling deeply. Although she’d kill anyone who suggested it. She did have a reputation to maintain.
    “So is he hot?” asked Isobel, twirling in front of a mirror and admiring the flowing line of her cream -colored wedding gown. At least she’d not gone with a classic white. One thing her sister certainly wasn’t, since meeting the prince of Hell, was a virgin.
    “Who is hot?” asked her mother coming from the back.
    “No one,” mumbled Evangeline, wishing her sister would take the hint and STFU—shut the fuck up. Not likely.
    “Eva’s got the hots for some guy, and he’s coming to the wedding,” tattled Isobel, who stuck out her tongue when Evangeline flashed her the middle finger.
    Her mother’s eyes widened. “A man. Evangeline, are you keeping secrets? Who is he? What class of magic does he dabble in?”
    “He’s a pain in my ass and he’s not a wizard or sorcerer, so you can get that matchmaking gleam out of your eye, Mother. We’re doing a job together, and once it’s done, he is out of my life.”
    “But if you like him—”
    “I do not like him,” yelled Evangeline.
    “Then why were you blushing?” taunted her sister.
    “I don’t want to talk about it.” Evangeline grumbled under her breath about nosy sisters and interfering mothers as she grabbed the hanger with the pink monstrosity they expected her to wear and headed for the changing rooms.
    She stripped out of her clothes and stood in her bra and panties, scowling at the frilly bridesmaid gown. Knowing she only delay ed the inevitable, she struggled to get into the dress, the filmy layers battling her at every chance.
    “Stupid, frilly, ugly, pink.” On and on she cursed the bloody gown. When she finally wedged it on, she reached and strained, but to no avail. She couldn’t do up the zipper at her back
    “Evangeline,” called her mother. “What is taking you so long?”
    “I can’t do up the stupid zipper,” she shouted back.
    She heard the curtain behind her rustle as someone stepped in, but the electric shock that ran through her at the touch of the calloused fingers at her back let her know it wasn’t her mother or sister in there with her.
    Whirling, she gaped at Ryker, not really surprised to see him. Her body had instantly known, and honestly, she’d expected to run into him before this.
    “What are you doing here?” she hissed even as a tingling awareness ran through her body.
    “Well, you avoided all my calls, so I contacted your mother, who was most helpful in letting me know where you’d be today.”
    Her mother who’d just a moment ago acted as if she knew nothing about Ryker. Devious old so rceress!
    “You need to leave now.” Evangeline felt her heart rate speeding up. It had been two days since their last encounter and apparently, absence made the body hornier. Her knees grew weak and heat suffused her body, especially in the damp spot between her legs.
    “I am not going anywhere. As soon as this dress fitting is done, you and I are sitting down and hashing out our plan. Actually, first, I am going to

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