
Run by Eve Vaughn

Book: Run by Eve Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Vaughn
Tags: Romance
at the same time that Aya had consumed so much of his time since their initial confrontation. She’d taken over his fantasies as he imagined all the dirty things he intended to do to her.
    He’d already pictured her undressed in his mind, but his imagination hadn’t prepared him for the real thing. She was nothing short of magnificent with breasts just big enough to fill his hands capped with nipples like succulent blackberries. Her tiny waist flared out to round hips and her ass was high and round. There wasn’t a single flaw that he could tell.
    He wanted her on his dick right here and right now but he had already decided their first time together would be more than just a quick fuck on the floor. He wanted to properly savor his victory.
    Dare wasn’t used to being thwarted but he couldn’t help but admire how spirited she remained despite her current circumstances. She was a Dreg, the bottom of the social order. He had expected someone like to her jump at his original offer but she’d surprised him. Even as he set forth his campaign to show her she’d made a huge mistake, he’d expected her to come to him. And when she didn’t, it had surprised him. Dregs were always looking for handouts. He didn’t think she’d turned him down because of some high moral code she held. She was holding out for a higher prize. Everyone had a price. Even Aya Smith, whether she wanted to admit it or not. She made a worthy adversary, but in the end this was a war he intended to win.
    She scowled at him, tapping her small foot against the hardwood floor. “Are you here to gloat?”
    “I have no need to gloat. I told you what would happen in the beginning. You chose not to believe me.”
    “Well congrat-freakin-lations. What do you want? Shouldn’t I be outside with the rest of the women?”
    “This is one of the perks of being the boss, Aya. I get to do what I want.”
    “Again, congratulations.” She rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest, obscuring his view of her breasts.
    “You have a lot of attitude for someone in your position, but we’ll fix that. When I have you—”
    “What makes you think I’ll allow myself to be caught? Maybe, I’ll make it out.”
    Dare narrowed his eyes, while he found her spirit amusing to a point, he was getting tired of her incessant backtalk. It was time to remind her of a few things. “Trust me, Aya, you will be caught. And when I have you, not only will you do what I say, you will love it. How well you’ll be treated will depend on my largess. And if you behave, maybe your uncle won’t spend the rest of his days rotting in a prison cell. I hear it can be pretty rough where he is. I imagine being incarcerated would be stressful for a man of his advanced age.”
    Aya’s large brown eyes shimmered with unshed tears. “You asshole!” She charged at him, but he easily caught her against him. The hand she would have used to hit him, he twisted behind her back, applying enough pressure to hold her in place but not to hurt her.
    “Did I hit a nerve, Aya? Good, because it’s time that it sank into your thick little skull that you do not cross me and that’s exactly what you did from the very beginning. As I said before, this could have gone a lot easier for you but now you have to pay the price for making me wait. And you know what the ironic part of this whole thing is?”
    Her chest rose and fell and she blinked rapidly. She was on the verge of crying and fighting it. “What?”
    He smiled. “The irony is that even as you fight so hard against this, you want me, too. I saw it when you looked at me. The attraction is there.”
    “I don’t! You disgust me. Just because you have money, doesn’t mean you can have me!” She attempted to twist out of his hold, but Dare applied more pressure to keep her still.
    “And that’s where you’re wrong.” He lowered his head to capture her lips beneath his.
    Aya wriggled against him, but Dare wouldn’t be denied what he’d

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