
Physical by Gabriella Luciano

Book: Physical by Gabriella Luciano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gabriella Luciano
Tags: BDSM, spanking
    Gabriella Luciano
    American Taboo Press
    New York ― Los Angeles
    Smashwords Edition
    First International Edition, October 2012
    Copyright © 2012 by American Taboo Press
    All rights reserved under International and
Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States
by American Taboo Press, Los Angeles.
    Olivia M.
    The Formal
    Ivy Glen Academy
    Olivia M .
    from Spanked: Real Stories
    Q: Tell me about your experiences getting
    Olivia : He was an older Australian man. I mean at least a number of
years older than me. He lived on a neighboring ranch next to my
parents' estate out on the edge of the outback. They had purchased
the place from a family friend with the intent that it would be
their retirement home. I had never even been to Australia even
though my father was born there and I had dual citizenship. It was
a few months after they had purchased the place when I decided I
would go visit. I had been living in New York and working a very
stressful corporate job that required me to put in 60 or 70 hours a
week. I needed the escape.
    Q: Did you find it?
    Olivia : (laughs) Well, I don’t know if I found escape but I
certainly found what it’s like to get whipped out in parts of the
rugged Australian territory where neighbors are few and far
    Q: He whipped you?
    Olivia : Actually, he used a carpet beater, but let me start from
the beginning. I arrived at my parents' ranch with the intent to
stay for a week. They had settled into the place, had begun to farm
a number of crops they grew to supplement their income and had even
purchased a few horses. I had grown up as a child in Kentucky so I
was completely at home on top of a horse. So, two or three days
into my vacation, I would ride the horse out to the far stretches
of their property. They had acquired a couple thousand acres so
their neighbors were literally miles away from them. Well, one day
I took the horse to the western edge of their property. My parents
had told me that there was a man by the name of Ross Higgins who
lived there. They told me they had only met him once or twice but
he seemed to be an eclectic sort of frontiersman. He was divorced
and spent most of his time overseeing his vast acreage of cotton
    Q: So what happened?
    Olivia : It took me nearly a quarter of an hour just to make it to
the property line that was marked with an old handmade wooden fence
and a lot of barbed wire. I rode along the line until I made it to
his place. It was set near the edge of the main dirt road that
divided the territory. As I approached his ranch house, the sight
of his figure standing in the rear courtyard grew larger and
larger. I could see that he was at work doing something but I could
not see what he was doing. There was just this silhouette of a man
on the landscape making a kind of swift motion with his upper body
and the muffled sound of a harsh thud at the finish of the
    Q: A thud?
    Olivia : Yes. It was only once I got close enough to his house that
I saw that there were a half dozen large carpets hung over a
clothes line and he was striking them with some sort of an object.
I only half-recognized the object. I think I had seen it in a movie
or something. I knew that it was called a carpet beater and that it
was used to beat the dirt from the carpet in an age before there
were such things as vacuums and steam cleaners. When I saw him
viciously striking the thick pieces of fabric, it seemed almost
cinematic. Plus, I guess I had always assumed that women had used
them in their traditional domestic duties. To see a man using the
wicker implement to strike the dirty rugs was disorienting at
first, particularly since he had the look of a rugged outdoorsman.
He was wearing a pair of thick tan dungarees but his deeply tanned
chest was as bare as could it could be. I pulled up my horse

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