
Heatwave by Jamie Denton

Book: Heatwave by Jamie Denton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Denton
longer than a couple of weeks of fun and games was out of the question. “She’s going to need someone to run things for a while and would probably feel better having a family member take over for her.”
    Emily stretched her arms over her head and gripped the sofa arm behind her. “I’ve thought about it, but the only thing I know about gourmet is the Budget kind you throw in the microwave. The administrative end of the business, no problem, for a while at least. But Grandy would be better off hiring someone more qualified in education administration. I’m an advertiser, not an educator, even though I have my doubts about finding gainful employment now.”
    “Discrimination is illegal.”
    “Big deal. It’s not exactly ethical to accept a job knowing I’ll be taking an extended leave of absence in a few months when the baby arrives, either.”
    “So you’re planning to stay?” The answer shouldn’t have held any more importance to him than the weather forecast, but in fact, the opposite was true. He only wished he could understand why.
    “For the time being, I suppose, but I’ve yet to make any long-term decisions. So much has happened in the last couple of days, I haven’t had time to absorb it all. Ifeel displaced, and I’m still trying to get used to the fact that I’m going to be someone’s mother.”
    “Parenthood is a big responsibility to shoulder alone.” Not that he had plans of applying for the job of her assistant, but he knew what it was like to grow up in a single-parent household.
    She regarded him quizzically. “That part doesn’t bother me.”
    “But something does,” he prompted when her frown made a reappearance.
    “Let’s just say I’m grateful I had Grandy as a role model. My mother, and I use the term loosely, was never into that whole domestic scene.”
    “A woman can have a career and still be a good mother, Emily. Mine was a firefighter long before it was considered acceptable.” And the job had cost her her life, leaving behind three sons and a husband who mourned the loss of his wife so deeply, it had killed him.
    “Glynis worked, but at being a free spirit.” An edge of bitterness filled her voice. “A lifestyle much easier to accomplish without a demanding daughter begging for her attention. My grandparents raised me for the most part. Whenever Glynis decided she wanted to play Mommy, it never lasted more than a couple of months, then I’d be sent back to live with Grandy and Pop.”
    Until now, he’d never actually thought of himself as sharing a common bond with anyone other than his brothers, or maybe Tilly. Like Emily, he’d been raised by someone other than his parents. At the time, he’donly been a little kid and hadn’t realized the impact he and his brothers had had on Debbie’s future, but at a young age, their aunt had shouldered the responsibility of raising her nephews without ever showing them a lick of resentment. She’d become mother, father and friend to each of them.
    “I have an idea what it’s like,” he said, a little surprised by the admission. He’d never before spoken of his private life with a woman outside of the family. “My aunt raised me and my brothers after my folks died.”
    A sense of discomfort nudged him as compassion filled her eyes.
    “I’m sorry,” she said. “How old were you?”
    “Eight by the time my aunt took us in. It couldn’t have been easy for her. She was young, around your age, I guess, but I never heard her complain once.”
    A slight smile curved her mouth. “Your aunt sounds like a very special woman.”
    “She is.” He looked at her thoughtfully for a moment. “She’d like you.”
    She rolled her eyes as she pulled her feet from his lap and swung them to the floor. “I bet you say that to all the girls.” She stood and lifted her arms over her head and stretched. “It’s all part of this whole charm thing you have going. Very effective, too, I might add.”
    He didn’t like that she

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