The Legacy of Vashna

The Legacy of Vashna by Joe Dever

Book: The Legacy of Vashna by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
recent memory of your ghastly confrontation is still vivid in your mind which makes it impossible for you to sleep: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
    Furthermore, unless you possess Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose an additional 3 ENDURANCE points.
    Turn to 337 .

    The Elder's probe breaks through your defence and he suddenly realizes that you are an intruder. He pulls at your robe and tears it open, revealing your leather tunic and breeches. Recognizing them at once to be Sommlending in origin, he gasps with shock as he guesses at your true identity.
    ‘Seize him!’ he bellows, and a score of acolytes spring forward to obey the command. You draw your weapon and fight them with breathtaking skill and valour, but eventually you are overcome by the sheer weight of their numbers. By the time they have disarmed you and pinned you to the rocky ground, more than thirty of them lie slain or seriously injured in a heaped circle around where you lie.
    You stare back defiantly at the ring of grim torchlit faces that loom over you. Then the face of the Elder comes into view and he sneers with disdain. He places the tip of a glowing wand to your forehead and suddenly there is an explosion of white light. Sadly for you, it is the last sensation you will ever experience.
    Your life and your quest end here, on the trail to the Maakengorge.

    Tied to a stone obelisk in the centre of the quay square are three Acolytes of Vashna. They are guarded by two Vakovarian brigands who keep themselves amused by bullying and tormenting them.
    For the past hour the sky overhead has become increasingly grey and thundery, with occasional storm flashes illuminating the northern shore. Now this storm is crossing the lake and the lightning is beginning to strike dangerously close to the quay. The brigands seemingly ignore this danger, so preoccupied are they with their petty cruelties, but then something appears on the surface of the lake which commands their attention.
    Illustration IX —Suddenly, a massive longboat emerges from the wall of fog and comes speeding towards the quay.
    A massive bank of grey-white fog is rolling across the water towards the quay at an unnatural pace. When it is just a few hundred yards from the shore, a volley of lightning bolts comes hurtling from its core to explode against the quayside wall with devastating effect. Several brigands are incinerated where they stand, leaving nothing but glowing piles of ash to mark their passing. Then, suddenly, a massive longboat emerges from the wall of fog and comes speeding towards the quay. Glowing bolts of energy dart from its prow to explode upon the deck of the Vakovarian ship. One of these bolts passes high between the masts and arcs through the air towards the quay. You watch with mounting horror as it comes speeding directly towards you.
    If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 176 .
    If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 149 .

    The moment you step through the archway you feel an electrifying jolt run through your body, and snake-like tendrils of blue-white energy arc from the rim of the arch to the hilt of the Sommerswerd. A gasp of astonishment arises from the acolytes, audible even above the howling wind.
    ‘We have an intruder in our midst!’ screams Cadak, levelling his wizard's staff at you accusingly. You fight the paralysing effect of the current and tug the sun-sword free of its scabbard. For a moment the current weakens as it is absorbed and neutralized by the Sommerswerd's divine energy, but then the tip of Cadak's staff ignites with a crimson flame and the current intensifies anew, numbing your limbs with its insidious effect.
    ‘Ha! I know you, intruder,’ yells Cadak maniacally. ‘You are Lone Wolf, the doomed hero of a doomed realm. You are a fool to come here, Kai Lord. Your powers are no match for those of Naar, the King of the Darkness.’
    With this he turns to the acolytes and throws up his hands triumphantly.

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