The Curse of Naar

The Curse of Naar by Joe Dever

Book: The Curse of Naar by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
sanctum and close in upon you from all sides.
    Freed from the constraints of her prison, Alyss is able to use the power of the Moonstone to bring into being a Shadow Gate which materializes in the floor of the chamber.
    ‘Come, Grand Master,’ she implores as she gets ready to step into the whirling black abyss. ‘Follow me!’
    And with these words she is swallowed up by the inky abyss. Seconds later, you take a running leap and dive head-first into the Shadow Gate, escaping in her wake barely moments before a pack of screeching, gnawing, parasitic horrors engulf the place where you last were standing.
    Turn to 350 .

    Successfully you dodge the flying bolts until you are within a few yards of the open Gates of Darkness. One of the silver missiles ricochets from the floor and gouges a deep groove of flesh from the back of your left thigh: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.
    Clutching your injured leg, you stagger forwards and hurl yourself head-first into the darkness of the void.
    Turn to 60 .

    You take hold of your rope and make a lasso from one end. Then you cast this loop at a sapling growing on the bank, several yards from the water's edge. The rope hits its mark and you are able to pull yourself over dry land before cancelling the effects of your Levitation spell.
    The moment your feet touch the ground, you retrieve your rope and run headlong across the clearing towards a distant perimeter of trees and dense undergrowth. At first the arachnids give chase, but they are not so agile on dry land, and you are soon able to outdistance them. On entering the jungle perimeter, you force your way through thick foliage and discover the remnants of a trail which you follow for nearly a mile until you arrive at the edge of a second clearing. This expanse of level ground is devoid of foliage yet it is littered with strange fruits that resemble gigantic grey pineapples. Beyond these curious fruits you can see the ruins of a settlement partially overgrown with moss. Warily you leave the jungle, make your way around the fruits, and hurry across the clearing towards a statue which is crouching among the ruins. It is constructed of a smooth, lustrous black mineral and is fashioned in the likeness of some evil beast of prey. It reminds you of a hyena, but one with a massive lower jaw set with a pair of sabre-toothed fangs. Between its forelegs is a flight of rubble-strewn steps leading down to an open door. You detect waves of power emanating from somewhere beyond this darkened doorway, but you are unable to determine just how deep below the ground the source of this energy is located.
    Illustration VII —Between the statue's forelegs is a flight of rubble-strewn steps leading down to an open door.
    If you possess Telegnosis and wish to use this skill to spirit-walk through the doorway to investigate what lies beyond, turn to 76 .
    If you do not possess this skill or choose not to use it, turn to 177 .

    To your relief you sense that you have persuaded the dragon that it is not carrying a stowaway. It raises its head and continues its flight towards the construction area which lies close to the main temple. Upon reaching this busy area it hovers above an expanse of levelled ground which is covered with dozens of cargo nets full of blocks awaiting collection by the building teams. A crew of four reptilians guides your net gently to the ground and then swiftly unhooks it from the dragon's harness using long poles.
    From the safety of your hiding place you watch as the dragon flies away to collect another cargo. As soon as the reptilians move on to attend to the next delivery of blocks, you leave the net and make your way as quickly as you can towards the main temple.
    Turn to 220 .

    You wait until the bickering dies down and the tunnel traffic thins out. When you see your chance to move you seize it swiftly and successfully. Shielded by your Kai skills, you avoid the guards and hurry along this tunnel. The deeper you explore,

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