Dead Cold
gun barked and he was rewarded with a nickel sized hole materializing in the things skull as it collapsed into the snow. He easily dispatched the next two monsters and was feeling pretty confident with himself. His confidence evaporated as a group of a dozen came around the corner, moaning hungrily.
    “Faster would be better!” He yelled to Cory as he drew a bead on the closest creature.
    “It’s got a locking lug nut!” Cory’s angry reply came from the front of the truck.
    “Check the glove compartment!” Roland was taking the monsters out one at a time but more were materializing from the alley as he did.
    “Got it!” Roland’s magazine clicked dry.
    “Good now hurry the hell up!” He inserted a fresh one and started firing again the monsters now numbered over forty.
    The P90’s last clip clicked dry and he was drawing the Browning as the truck leveled out and he heard Cory’s excited voice. “We’re done, let’s go!”
    “Don’t gotta tell me twice.” Roland muttered under his breath as he jumped from the box and right into the arms of one of the creatures.
    Roland figured she must have been gorgeous when she was alive and he felt a little remorse as he smashed the butt of the pistol into her face crushing one of her pretty blue eyes. Uncaring she lunged again, this time knocking the pistol from his hand. As he put both his hands against her neck he could see the approaching mob. With no other options Roland pulled back his right hand to through a punch when a gunshot came from behind him and the creature’s face exploded falling from his grip as it did so. Roland turned to see Cory leaning out the now open driver’s door his FAL in hand.
    “Are you done flirting? We gotta get going.”
    Roland smiled and jogged for the door ignoring his lost automatic. “Kiss my ass.”
    Safely back in the truck Roland reached into his backpack and pulled out one of the grenades. “Come on you bastards.” He snarled.
    “What are you waiting for? They’re coming!” Valerie shrieked, her face pressed to the back window.
    The creatures were five feet from the truck and Roland rolled down the window and leaned out. “See you in hell.” Pulling the pin he tossed the grenade at the nearest monster.
    “You’re crazy!” This time it was Caleb shrieking as Roland shoved the truck in drive and floored the truck.
    Three seconds later the grenade exploded taking a few of the creatures with it and Roland smiled as he watched in the side view mirror. Lighting a cigarette he inhaled enjoying the warm sensation. Roland flicked the butt of the cigarette and made a left turn onto one seventieth.
    “Who wants to go to the mall?” He laughed a little it felt good to laugh.
    “Dude, I think you’ve lost it.” Cory was shaking his head.
    “Dead people are coming back to life and eating people, I think the whole world has lost it.” Roland was maneuvering expertly through the empty cars littering the street, his years of driving an ambulance finally coming in handy.
    “Guess you got a point there.” Cory shook his head turning his eyes back to the road.
    Reaching the mall had been easy; the hard part would be getting into the mall. The undead had gathered at every entrance to the mall Roland saw as he drove past each. Coming to a stop a distance from the entrance nearest to the casino Roland had a crazy idea. “This entrance seems to have the least creatures at it, so I’m gonna lead those things away from the entrance so you guys can get in. Then I’ll double back afterwards and catch up with you guys inside.”
    “What’s wrong with you? What if those things get you? How are you gonna back inside afterwards?” Valerie was staring at him again and she seemed extremely upset with his suicidal plan.
    “She’s right dude, it ain’t worth the risk.” Cory chimed in.
    “Unless you got a better plan Cory, I’d love to

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