American Diva

American Diva by Julia London

Book: American Diva by Julia London Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia London
don’t have time for this right now, do we?”
    “Lucas! Some guy has been threatening my life! It was your idea to get security; you were the one who said I needed protection! So why don’t I have it?”
    “You do have it. If you don’t want people coming in, Courtney will answer the door. Or Trystan. Or anyone , I don’t give a shit! But Jack has some slightly larger issues to tend to than your door!”
    “I thought the issue was me , Lucas. You know, my tour, my life.”
    He sighed again, then flashed a very patronizing smile. He moved to put his arms around her, but Audrey shrugged him off. Lucas was persistent, though, and finally got his arms around her and kissed her temple. “You’re right, baby, that is precisely the issue. But it takes a cast of thousands to protect you because you are such a huge star.” He kissed her again, on the top of her head, just like she’d seen him kiss his niece.
    “I had a talk with Courtney. She will answer the door. So no more talk of firing Jack. We can’t just fire him anyway—there’s a contract.”
    Oh hell . She hated that Jack was right and, with a groan, pressed her forehead to Lucas’s shoulder.
    “I think I know what is upsetting you. I think you are worried about the show. But don’t worry, baby. The show is going to be spectacular. There is some press here from L.A. Did you know that?”
    “No,” she muttered.
    “And guess what?” he said, dropping his arms from her. “I’ve got a little surprise for you tonight.”
    “What?” she asked as he walked to the door.
    “I’m not telling you—it’s a surprise.” He winked. “Just chill out, okay? No more throwing things at Courtney.”
    “I didn’t throw anything at Courtney,” she said, glaring at her assistant.
    “Baby, please calm down,” Lucas said. “I’ll check in on you later.” He reached for the door handle and glanced at Courtney. “Courtney . . . you will answer the door so people aren’t bothering Audrey, right?”
    “Of course! Whatever she needs me to do,” she said brightly.
    “Good. Thanks,” Lucas said, and with a smile, he opened the door.
    “Lucas?” Audrey called after him.
    He paused, glanced over his shoulder.
    “What do you think of these shorts?”
    He glanced at her shorts and shrugged. “They’re fine. Why?”
    “No reason,” she said, and turned away from him, holding out her arms to indicate Lucy should continue her repair work.
    They rehearsed the “Take Me” dance routine, a really difficult number, while Lucy held Bruno. Courtney could not be bothered, complaining she’d already had to walk the dog twice today. But someone had to hold him—Bruno could not see all the hopping about and not want to join in. It was precisely the reason Audrey did not want a dog.
    They rehearsed until Trystan begged Audrey to stop so he would have something left for the show. So Audrey left and ran some vocal drills with her vocal coach, then had a light meal which she could scarcely eat. Two hours before show time, she went into makeup, where she was surrounded by people who transformed her into a pop star while she held Bruno.
    When show time rolled around, she had forgotten about everything but her performance. As she walked down a dark and narrow corridor amid the electrical and sound equipment, Audrey realized she was nervous. This was a huge production, much bigger than anything she’d ever been involved with. There were three jumbotrons, eight costume changes, and a set that looked like something out of the movies. She thought she had gotten over the nerves that came with walking out onto a stage alone a long time ago, but they had come back with a vengeance tonight. It was just inconceivable to her that anyone would pay sixty-five dollars a seat to listen to her sing. It was even more inconceivable that twelve thousand people in Omaha alone would do that.
    But they had, and as she waited below stage to make her entrance—rising up through smoke into blue

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