Be My Prince

Be My Prince by Julianne MacLean

Book: Be My Prince by Julianne MacLean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julianne MacLean
him a surprised look. “Are you presuming that I am in love with you?”
    “I presume nothing,” he replied. “I have always known my place. I am second in line for everything.”
    Alexandra downed her punch in a single gulp. He was far too honest, which made this all the more excruciating.
    “My apologies,” he said, taking the empty glass from her hands and setting it on the floor under his chair. “It was not my intention to make you uncomfortable.”
    “I am not uncomfortable,” she replied, without looking at him. She feared that if she did, he would see straight into her soul and there would be no turning back. “But I wish you wouldn’t say such things. You don’t understand. My life is very complicated.”
    “As is mine,” he told her. “There are things you don’t know about me, Alexandra. Things I wish to tell you, but I cannot. Not yet.”
    Her mouth went dry, and she swept her tongue across her lips, feeling very confused while her mind went to battle with her emotions and desires. Oh, how desperately she wanted him. How she ached to move closer and touch him. “Why are you doing this to me, Nicholas? You have tempted me constantly toward something I made clear I did not want. And yet…”
    It was the first time she had used his given name—an intimacy to which she should not have surrendered—but everything was spinning out of control so quickly.
    A footman came by and collected their empty punch glasses, which reminded her that they were not alone here and they were no doubt being watched.
    “I must return you to your chaperone,” he said, “but I cannot bear the thought of letting you go. All I do is dream of touching and holding you.… I beg of you, Alexandra. Do not reject me, for surely you are meant to be mine.”
    Her breaths came fast and short. Her body was on fire with longing.
    The music stopped.
    What would happen next?
    “You promised you would not do this to me,” she whispered. “You said you would let it go.”
    He shook his head. “I would if I could, but I see now that it was an impossible promise I should have never made. I want you for myself, and I must warn you that I intend to fight for you. By God’s grace I will have you in my bed. You will not marry my brother. You will choose me. ”
    In one last attempt to cling to her sense of duty and ambitions, she scoffed. “Such bold declarations. This is exactly what I was warned against. It is why you have earned such a reputation.”
    He rose to his feet. “My reputation has nothing to do with this and you know it, because you feel the same passion as I. You wanted me the first moment we met, and even then, you had no real interest in my brother, outside of the fact that he is the best catch of the Season—a golden prize—and you are ambitious.”
    She stared up at him for a heart-stopping moment, then, half in a daze, placed her gloved hand in his.
    “Follow your heart, Alexandra, and consider my suit as well.”
    A moment later they reached Lucille, who watched them with suspicious eyes. Alexandra had to force herself to let go of his arm.
    “Thank you for the honor of your company, Lady Alexandra,” he said with a bow. “Enjoy the rest of your evening.”
    With that, he walked out and left her trembling.
    *   *   *
    When they returned home from the ball, Alex and Lucille were surprised to discover Mr. Carmichael waiting for them in the library with urgent business to discuss. He sat before a roaring fire with a glass of brandy in his hand, as if he were lord and master there.
    Lucille began to apologize profusely. “We are so sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Carmichael. We had no idea you intended to pay a visit this evening; otherwise we would have returned earlier. Shall I ring for biscuits and tea? Or a late supper, perhaps?”
    He turned his impatient eyes to Alexandra and swirled his brandy around in the sparkling crystal glass, then gestured for them both to join him.
    Lucille moved quickly

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