The Wild Rose of Kilgannon
England. I ask ye again to treat Robert Campbell as my guest."
    Dougall's voice came from behind me. "Ye ken what happened the last time a man named Robert Campbell was offered hospitality in the Highlands, Alex?" The crowd, remembering the Glencoe massacre, muttered its agreement. I did not look at Robert.
    Alex glared at him. "This Robert Campbell is far different, and ye'd treat him with respect, Dougall." He looked across the crowd. "All of ye. Kilgannon is no' Glencoe and I would have our hospitality extended to a man who has
    been most generous to me. I willna have it said that Kilgannon abuses its guests."
    "Dinna go, Alex," Dougall said." 'Tis not necessary. We can rid ourselves of the Campbells with no difficulty." Men near him nodded. Robert did not move but his men reached for their weapons.
    "Oh, aye, Dougall," Alex said, nodding. "We could do that. And then what? Ye've seen the strength of the English army, man. Ye saw the sights we all passed on the way home. Would ye have that here? Tell me, Dougall, look around ye and tell me, which man's home could ye have burnt and feel no sorrow? Which woman could ye have raped and feel no guilt? Which bairn thrown against a wall and no matter? Who can we call dispensable?" Murmurs sped through the people and men moved restively, looking from their wives to their children.
    "No' ye, Alex," Dougall persisted. "No' ye. We can call for help. Surely the MacDonalds, or Clanranald..."
    Alex shook his head. "The MacDonalds are dispersed, some to France. The rest are trying to survive. They have no force to aid us. Clanranald has asked us for aid. We have no one to help us."
    "Then we fight on our own," Dougall said and men nodded.
    "Oh, aye, Dougall," Alex said. "Ye and me and the hundred men we have left. We have bonnie warriors and the best war chief in the world, lad, but we canna hold off the English army and all the mercenaries they have arriving daily. And if we do try and fail, Dougall, then I'll be alive and I can watch with ye from the hillside as they burn Glengannon and Glendevin and then march into my home. We can watch as our women are raped and our children murdered and our ships burnt. Did ye no' see what I did as we came home? Did ye no see what they did and what was left? I willna have that here. No, Dougall, it's better that one man is imprisoned or executed than that many die for the one."
    "Alex, if ye go, who will lead us? Ye've been a braw leader."
    "I thank ye for that, cousin, but I'm easily replaced, I'm thinking. Dougall, ye ken that if I stay and if we fight, there will be nothing and no one left to lead."
    "We can take to the hills."
    "Aye." Alex nodded. "For a bit. But what about winter? How can ye raise children when yer running, with no homes and no cattle? Men can do it but look around ye. Look at the faces of these women and children. Would ye have them starve and die for me, so that I can live? Dougall, I ken what yer thinking and I thank ye for it, but it makes no sense." Alex looked across the now silent crowd. "What has a better solution? Can any of ye think of a better way out of this? Have ye a plan that would leave Kilgannon intact and the English away from our door? For if ye have, I'd be glad to hear it. I have no desire to leave ye and go east with the Campbell but I canna think of another way to assure Kilgannon's safety. If ye have a better solution, tell me. If no', then let me go and bring what peace I can buy for our home."
    "There must be something else," Dougall said.
    "If there is I dinna ken it," Alex said. Next to me Angus closed his eyes and hung his head, his fists clenched. Dougall nodded, his face plainly showing his despair. The clouds above us had melded into a grey dome and the breeze freshened further. I wondered if it would rain before dark or perhaps snow. And if it did, would the window in the library leak again? I felt myself swaying. Ian wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face in my side and I came

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