His Best Mistake

His Best Mistake by Kristi Gold

Book: His Best Mistake by Kristi Gold Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristi Gold
head. “She’s going to be too good to play T-ball. I’ll have her ready to join the big girls’ team by the time she’s four. I’m thinking first base.”
    Another span of silence passed before she sighed.
    “What is it?” he asked, curious about her mood and worried she might completely close down and close him out.
    “I was thinking how lucky we are that Carly’s healthy.”
    He wished he hadn’t brought up his soon-to-be niece’s condition. “Like I told you, Stormy’s doing great.”
    “I’m glad she is, but I’m referring to all the kids I’ve treated who aren’t okay.”
    He’d never seen her quite so pensive about her work. Maybe becoming a mother had something to do with that. “At least you’re capable of helping those kids.”
    “Not all of them, Kevin. You’d be surprised at how many children have serious and oftentimes life-threatening diagnoses. Some are even the same age as Carly. It’s not fair.”
    Now he wished he had whisky instead of wine. He didn’t like medical talk in the least, but he felt compelled to listen to her since she needed to talk. Needed a friend. “No, it’s not fair at all, but that’s the way life goes. It can be a real crapshoot, whether we like it or not.”
    “But I really hate…” He words faded away along with her gaze.
    “Hate what, Leah?”
    She leaned forward and rimmed the edge of the glass with a fingertip. “You can’t even imagine that moment after you discover a child might not survive an illness that you’ve diagnosed.”
    He didn’t have to imagine it; he’d been in that moment as a patient on the receiving end of bad news. “I hate that you have to go through that, sweetheart.” Her gaze snapped to his over the endearment, but he ignored it and continued. “I realize it’s not easy for you. And anytime you have to face it while you’re here, talk to me about it.”
    Her smile was tentative, but at least it was still a smile. “You’re really serious about being friends?”
    “I am.”
    “I guess only time will tell how well you handle that.”
    He planned to handle it well, no matter what it took. “Do you want a little more wine?”
    She picked up her glass then stood. “Friends don’t let friends drink too much when they have to work in the morning.”
    Kevin pushed his chair back and came to his feet. “You’re right, and I’ll take care of Carly when she wakes up again.”
    “We’ll see who gets there first.”
    Then Leah did something Kevin hadn’t come close to expecting. She walked right up to him, put her arms around his waist, kissed his cheek and said, “Thanks for listening, and thanks for everything.”
    Kevin couldn’t help but believe that Leah was bent on testing him. And if she held on for any length of time, he’d probably fail. Mercifully, she stepped back, looking a little embarrassed and maybe even surprised that he hadn’t put any moves on her. Truth was, he’d wanted more than just a friendly hug. More than just a polite thanks. He wanted her. Badly.
    When he had enough presence of mind to speak, Kevin replied, “You’re welcome. I’m glad you decided to move in.”
    “You know something? I’m glad too. I’ll see you in the morning.”
    Yeah, she would, and he’d go to bed alone wondering what would have happened if he had taken thechance and kissed her. She probably would’ve slugged him first, and then asked questions later.
    He gave himself a mental back-pat for controlling himself and meeting the challenge…this time.

    W HEN THE ALARM shrilled like a sonic boom in Leah’s ears, she rolled to her side and fumbled for the off button. And when she focused well enough to see the time, she shot out of bed like a missile.
    After grabbing her robe from the club chair in the corner, she shrugged it on and headed straight for the nursery and found only an empty crib and no sign of Kevin or Carly. The smell of fresh-brewed coffee sent her toward the kitchen where she came

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