Sisters in White (Love in Bloom: Snow Sisters #3) Contemporary Romance

Sisters in White (Love in Bloom: Snow Sisters #3) Contemporary Romance by Melissa Foster

Book: Sisters in White (Love in Bloom: Snow Sisters #3) Contemporary Romance by Melissa Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Foster
her mother’s buttery blond shade. Helen looked around nervously, and Danica came to her side.
    “He and Madeline went to grab some coffee.”
    “Oh, I wasn’t—”
    “Yes, you were. It’s okay, Mom. You haven’t seen him since he moved away either. It’s been a long time.”
    Lacy stood by the sofa, her hands clasped before her, her conservative white shorts and button-down blouse perfectly pressed. Only her eyes held the remnant of the evening before and the fear of the moment.
    Danica watched the connection take hold between her mother and Lacy. She took her mother’s hand.
    “Oh my goodness. She’s gorgeous,” her mother said.
    “Do you want to meet Lacy, Mom?”
    “Yes, I do. Very much.”
    The walk felt a million miles long, and Danica wanted to ask her mother what she was feeling, what she was thinking, but she wouldn’t dare. Kaylie took her mother’s other hand and joined them as they approached Lacy.
    Lacy dropped her eyes, and Kaylie did something that stole Danica’s heart right out of her chest. She went to Lacy’s side and took Lacy’s hand. The four of them stood with their hands interlaced and their lives intertwined. Linked by one man. A world of hurt and a world of wonder lay within the small circle of women.
    “Mom, this is Lacy. Lacy Snow. Our sister.” Kaylie looked at Lacy and beamed.
    Danica watched the strength pass from Kaylie to Lacy, and a heartbeat later, from Lacy to her mother.
    “It is such a pleasure to meet you, Lacy. I have thought of you often.”
    The grace exuding from her mother gave Danica chills. Time stood still as Danica took in this new family of hers. At some point, Danica wasn’t sure exactly when, Blake and Chaz joined them, and she became aware of Lexi and Trevor toddling around their legs. Lexi’s thin blond curls bounced with each happy step, and Trevor’s promise-blue eyes danced with delight. Mommy! Daddy!
    Blake was the first to see their father and Madeline enter the lobby, and Danica followed his fading, then quickly righted, smile toward the man who was responsible for this new union and the woman who Danica knew from the longing in her eyes wanted to be there, too.
    “Mom.” Worry tethered Danica’s voice as her mother turned toward the approaching couple, her brows drawn together, a hardening in her eyes. A sea of emotion swam through those little motions: sadness, longing, anger, shame. Finally, as the wrinkles in her brow faded and she dropped Danica’s hand, the underlying strength that Danica always knew existed appeared, erasing the shame and anger. Kicking the sadness to the curb.
    “Don.” Her mother took a step forward. “Madeline,” she said curtly with a brief nod.
    Madeline managed a cordial smile. “Helen, you look lovely.”
    “Yes, I do. Thank you.”
    Wow, Mom .
    Her father stood silently taking in the wife he’d tossed aside. There was no strength in the man who had torn their family apart. Madeline put her hand on the small of his back and gave him a little tap.
    “How—how are you, Helen?” he asked.
    Danica had seen a much humbler man in her father over the last few days, and it was a bit unsettling against the memory of the confident father who’d raised her.
    “I’m well. Wonderful, actually. Thank you. And you?”
    How on earth are you doing this? Danica shot a look at Kaylie; Lexi held on to her leg and Trevor wiggled in her arms, while Kaylie nursed a hate-filled look in her eyes. Her mother might be able to take this in stride, but Kaylie obviously could not. Danica was torn between staying between her mother and father—just in case—and dragging Kaylie’s angry ass out of there before something happened that no toddler should ever witness. As Kaylie handed Trevor to Chaz, Danica sprang into action.
    “Kaylie, Camille and the girls should be in any minute. Why don’t you bring the kids to get a snack from the machines really quickly so they’re not hungry.” It was a mean tack to take, knowing

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