Fatal Courage: Shadow Force International, Book 3 (Shadow Force International Romantic Suspense Series)

Fatal Courage: Shadow Force International, Book 3 (Shadow Force International Romantic Suspense Series) by Misty Evans

Book: Fatal Courage: Shadow Force International, Book 3 (Shadow Force International Romantic Suspense Series) by Misty Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Misty Evans
mysterious agent from Homeland kidnapped the man everyone wants to talk to. Those aren’t coincidences.”
    “Agent McKellen’s life could definitely be in danger,” Emit said. “Get her client paperwork done, Jax. Rory can send it to Beatrice.”
    “Jax has to find Hayden,” Colton volunteered. “I’ll hang with Ruby.”
    The hell you will. “Ruby will refuse our help,” Jax said, “and besides, she can take care of herself.”
    “That’s good,” Rory said, staring at his tablet. “Cuz she’s heading out the back door right now.”

    “Y ES, S IR,” R UBY said into her cell as she hustled out the back door of Rock Star Security. The sun nearly blinded her and she had to put her hand up to shade her eyes. One of the guys replacing a window on that side of the building stopped what he was doing to grin at her. “I’m on my way to the office as we speak. I was only released from the hospital a little bit ago.”
    Director Timms was not happy. Not happy at all. “You have some explaining to do, Agent McKellen. Serious explaining.”
    She had no car. It was still back at the club, and she didn’t have time to pick it up, go home, and clean herself up. Plus, her former partner was running around impersonating Homeland Security and fucking with the only source she had left who could help her clear his name.
    All her brain seemed able to do was spin in what-the-hell-is-going-on-here mode.
    Yet, the ever-confident, efficient Ruby rose to the surface like the trained agent she was. “I don’t blame you, sir. Just let me state that I appreciate you calling the station last night to make them aware of my reasons for being at the club.”
    “Last night? It was two in the morning and you had no business being at that club, McKellen. Which is why you are one lucky agent and you’re going to get your backside into my office and explain to me exactly what you were doing at that club before I ship your ass back to Langley and wash my hands of you.”
    “Can’t a girl go out once in a while?” She chuckled, hoping he would follow suit, chalk it all up to her personal life. He didn’t, a tense, impatient pause hanging between them. A bright yellow blob caught her eye. She waved at the taxi. “I can explain everything, sir, I assure you.”
    His response was to hang up.
    Alrighty, then.
    The taxicab slid up to the curb and Ruby bare-footed it across the warm concrete. The vision of Elliot in that stupid coat and Cubs cap replayed on an endless loop in her brain. The cap was from her go bag. It was like he was flipping her off.
    Or egging her on.
    Definitely some kind of sign or signal, but what?
    He’d always challenged her. Forced her to go beyond her comfort zone and live up to being the CIA’s Golden Girl.
    But this…this was reckless, even for Elliot. What the hell had he been doing? How had he come up with a legitimate Homeland ID?
    Jax’s voice stopped her mid-stride. “Where are you going?”
    Raising a finger to the cabbie, she glanced back. Jax was two days or more past a shave and sporting circles under his eyes. His hair was unkempt as if he’d been running his fingers through it.
    As a ray of morning sun sliced across his face, brightening his eyes, he was still the best-looking man she’d ever laid eyes on. Certain female parts below her waist purred to life.
    One hand instinctively went to her lower abdomen. “To work. The director of the FBI Chicago field office just called to chew me a new one. I have to go.”
    Behind Jax, the contractor working on the window openly ogled her.
    Yes, I’m an agent . She gave him a sneer. And, no, you don’t stand a chance with me.
    “I’m going with you.”
    Like hell he was. She took a step closer to him and lowered her voice so Mr. Eavesdropper couldn’t hear her. “This isn’t Take Your One-Night Stand to work day. I’m in enough trouble as it is. The last thing I need is you tagging along looking like…” She waved a hand at him.
    He looked

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