Night Shield

Night Shield by Nora Roberts

Book: Night Shield by Nora Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nora Roberts
then back to him.
    Casually she crossed over and ran a hand affectionately up and down Jonah’s arm. “I’ve got two officers to tag them. We want them to get through the setup, all the way through. I want to give it some time before I alert the targets. When I do, I need your office.”
    “All right.”
    “We need to keep business as usual down here. If you’ll hang around, I can let you know when I want to move. You can tell Beth you need me for something so she can juggle tables. I don’t want any alarms going off.”
    “Just let me know. I’ll take care of it.”
    “Let me have the code for your elevator. In case I need to take them up without you.” She leaned in, her face tilted to his.
    “Two, seven …” He leaned down, brushed his lips over hers. “Five, eight, five. Got it?”
    “Yeah, I got it. See if you can keep attention off me until I move the targets out of the bar.”
    Her energy was up, but her mind was cool. She waited fifteen minutes. When the female target rose to use the restroom, Ally slipped in with her.
    “Excuse me.” After a quick check of the stalls, Ally pulled her badge out of her pocket. “I’m Detective Fletcher, Denver P.D.”
    The woman took a quick, instinctive step in retreat. “What’s this about?”
    “I need your help with an investigation. I’d like to speak with you and your husband. If you’d come with me.”
    “I haven’t done anything.”
    “No, ma’am. I’ll explain it all to you. There’s a private office upstairs. If we could move up there as quietly as possible? I’d appreciate your cooperation.”
    “I’m not going anywhere without Don.”
    “I’ll get your husband. If you’d walk back out, turn to the left and wait in the corridor.”
    “I want to know what this is about.”
    “I’ll explain it to both of you.” Ally took the woman’s arm to hurry her along. “Please. Just a few moments of your time.”
    “I don’t want any trouble.”
    “Please wait here. I’ll get your husband.” Because she didn’t trust the woman to stay put long, Ally moved fast. She paused at the couple’s table, picked up empty glasses.
    “Sir? Your wife’s back there. She asked if you could come back for a minute.”
    “Sure. Is she okay?”
    “She’s fine.”
    Ally crossed to the bar, set down the empties. Then ducked quickly back into the corridor.
    “Detective Fletcher,” she said with a quick flash of her badge as the man joined her. “I need to speak with you and your wife in private.” She was already keying in the code.
    “She won’t say what it’s about. Don, I don’t see why—”
    “I appreciate your cooperation,” Ally said again and all but shoved them both into the elevator.
    “I don’t appreciate being bullied by the police,” the woman said with an edge of nerves in her voice.
    “Lynn, calm down. It’s okay.”
    “I’m sorry to be abrupt.” Ally stepped into Jonah’s office, gestured to the chairs. “If you’d have a seat, I’ll fill you in.”
    Lynn crossed her arms, hugged her elbows tight. “I don’t want to sit down.”
    Have it your way, sister, Ally thought. “I’m investigating a series of burglaries in and around Denver during the last several weeks.”
    The woman sniffed. “Do we look like burglars?”
    “No, ma’am. You look like a nice, well-established, upper-class couple. Which has been, to date, the main target of this burglary ring. And less than twenty minutes ago, a woman we suspect is part of that ring lifted your keys out of your purse.”
    “That’s impossible. My purse has been right with me all night.” As if to prove it, she started to unzip the pocket. Ally snagged her wrist.
    “Please don’t touch your keys.”
    “How can I touch them if they’re not there?” the woman argued.
    “Lynn, shut up. Come on.” He squeezed his wife’s shoulder. “What’s going on?” he asked Ally.
    “We believe molds are made of the keys. They’re replaced and the targeted victim remains

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