The Orphans' Promise
other kept him from dozing off. Corenn and Grigán had told them a few of the legends describing gateways similar to the one on Ji. They all spokeof magnificent landscapes, or villages where only children lived. The majority of them smacked of pure invention, more poetic story than religious account or traveler’s tale. However, a few of them deserved attention. Yan mentally revisited them, trying to pierce through to their secret.
    The Great Sohonne Arch—a structure in Arkary similar to the Ji gateway—would someday provide passage for an army of perfect warriors, who would save the children of the White Country from some obscure threat. Even Bowbaq, a native of Arkary, didn’t know this legend.
    Another legend, undoubtedly of religious origin, confirmed the existence of a marvelous land where the wise ones’ spirits would reincarnate as children. It was the most optimistic one, but not the strangest.
    Rey remembered a legend that said the most deserving followers of a cult would be reborn near their Goddess in order to help her with her Great Work. As he was asked for more details, Rey named the paradise and the Goddess: Lus’an and Zuïa. No one appreciated the joke. Especially since the mysterious valley might have truly been the red killers’ Lus’an.
    Another legend mentioned gateways capable of conquering time. Anyone who went through them would gain immortality, but would call the gods’ wrath upon him and would suffer their curse for eternity.
    Yet another spoke of a magnificent kingdom whose entryway was guarded by children. Only those who triumphed over these strange guardians could enter. The legend didn’t explain how they were dangerous…
    There were others, and others still…
    Their commonalities—children, gateways, a valley, gods, misfortune—were troubling. But of the multitudinous tales passedalong in each country, there were inevitably some that dealt with all of these subjects.
    The first narrators of these stories might have known some part of the truth. They might have imagined the rest. How was it possible to tease one from the other? Which parts were true? Which fake? And what if the truth were altogether different?
    What was on the other side of the gateway?
Yan wondered.

    The morning came, and Yan felt like he hadn’t really rested at all. His thoughts followed him into his deepest dreams. Memories of the gateway mixed with stories of the land of demons, and visions of demonic children spinning coins in the air.
    He was disappointed that Léti wasn’t near him. The night before, the young woman had fallen asleep at his side, and he was hoping she would still be there upon waking. Even the smallest signs of affection from Léti were precious to him. They had fought side by side. He had let the day of the Promise pass. Rey was unconsciously turning out to be a fierce rival, but Yan wasn’t going to let her go.
    Everyone was already awake. The cellar was empty, except for him. He quickly dressed, wondering what deciday it was, and then hurried to join his companions outside.
    A late morning sun shone on the heirs, who were gathered in front of the stable for Léti’s second lesson. They all had the bright look of people who had been awake for some time.
    The atmosphere was much more relaxed than on the day before. Even though she didn’t approve, Corenn appeared to be enjoying the show. They waved to the newest arrival, and the lesson continued. Léti and Grigán were facing each other: the young woman armed with just a branch; Grigán only with hisbare hands. The warrior was trying to touch Léti while avoiding the improvised sword, as Bowbaq, Corenn, and Rey cheered or booed.
    “Did I miss much?” Yan asked, rubbing his eyes.
    “They just got started,” Corenn answered, smiling. “They argued for a long time to decide whether Léti would use a real blade. As you can see, Grigán had the last word, but the discussion was heated.”
    “I really regret having missed it. I

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