
Submission by Ray Gordon

Book: Submission by Ray Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ray Gordon
Tags: submission
- checking now.'
    Running the last few hundred yards, Hannah approached the girls and collapsed to the ground, panting for breath. 'Julia! You've led them right to us!' she panted. 'It's an old trick! This fucking bitch has conned you!' Swain made her way through the undergrowth to the river bank, cursing as brambles caught her leg. 'Where the fucking hell are they going?' she moaned as she checked the signal from the homing device on her portable direction finder. Grabbing her radio, she called the centre.
    'Smith! Are you there?'
    'Yes, where are you?'
    'Lost! I'm by a river. Check the map and tell me where I am.'
    'Er... Going by where you were when you last called in, it's the River Medway.'
    'The signal's coming from the east. I reckon they're following the river. Where does it go?'
    'Er... Well. Hartfield is the first place you'll come to.'
    'Right. I'll call in when I get there. Any news from Evans?'
    'No. not a word.'
    'Thank God for that! Listen, you do realize that they've probably done away with Ron, don't you?'
    'It had crossed my mind, yes. But as far as I'm concerned, he deserves it.'
    'Should he be alive... I want him out of the way so that I can run the centres. Anyway, I've got to find him first. I'll call in later.'
    Making her way along the river bank, Swain cursed and swore to get even with Hannah Kelley. She thought of Rose, what the bitch would do with her if she realized that she was a spy, how she would prise information out of her. She knew that if Rose talked, told of Fowler's secrets, Hannah would run straight to Evans. The end of Fowler, and the centres, was looming on the horizon, she knew. Grabbing Rose by the arm, Hannah slapped her face. 'Where's Swain, how far behind you is she?'
    'She's going in the opposite direction!' Rose cried. 'I put the homing device in a boat and set it adrift!'
    'Do you take me for a complete fool?'
    'She was messing about with a boat on the river,' Julia interrupted.
    'And you expect me to believe her, do you?'
    'She's not carrying a homing device, we've checked.'
    'Have you checked properly?' Hannah asked, pushing Rose to the ground and ripping the flimsy dress from her body. 'Have you checked everywhere?'
    'What do you mean, everywhere?'
    'Hold her down and I'll show you what I mean!'
    Forcing the girl's thighs apart, Hannah thrust three fingers between her vaginal lips and searched the soft cavern. 'Where is it?' she demanded as she pushed a fourth finger into the girl's trembling body. 'Tell me or I'll tear you open!'
    'It's in the boat, I promise you!'
    'I don't believe you!' Hannah yelled, attempting to force her fist into the girl's tight hole. 'You're one of Evans's spies, aren't you? You condone Fowler and his filthy methods, don't you? Well, now it's your turn - a taste of your own medicine, as they say!'
    'No, no, you're hurting me - please!'
    'I'll hurt you, all right! Now tell me where it is!'
    Hannah gasped as her fist suddenly disappeared into the girl's struggling body. Her inflamed lips stretched, her clitoris exposed, forced from its protective cover of soft skin, Rose cried out as Hannah twisted her fist and forced it further into her bloated vaginal sheath.
    'Christ, Hannah! You'll kill her!' Julia screeched as the girl squirmed and begged for mercy.
    'This is nothing compared to what I'm going to do to her when I have her tied to the bed!'
    Pulling her fist from the hot cavern, Hannah's stomach fluttered tantalizingly as she stared in awe at the girl's gaping pussy lips. Looking up, she caught Emily's wide eyes and smiled. They both knew what the other was thinking, what their inner desires were. Remembering Emily's words, Hannah looked down at the girl's inflamed vagina and wondered at her newly discovered love for the female form. She was beginning to like Emily's idea of lesbianism, the ultimate weapon against men. But her new emotions confused her. Male and female fit , she ruminated. But is not love greater than the mere physical joining

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