Dragonbound: Blue Dragon
young. Always asking if he wanted physical help instead of assuming he needed it. Kanvar blinked back moisture that came into his eyes. His father had not changed. He was still brave, strong, courteous, and thoughtful. It was Kanvar who had changed, Kanvar who had become angry and bitter. But no. He'd forgiven his father long ago. He had no reason for acting the way he had on the cliff.
    Amar took a step back toward Kanvar. "Dharanidhar hates Rajahansa and me. Our disagreements with him have been long and bitter. Plus, I imagine, he's furious about losing his sight and having Abhavasimha replace him. Those feeling were not your own. You accidentally created a mental link with him when you wounded him. But it is not a true bond. I've blocked his mind from yours so you can think clearly. You feel empty now because you have the fever and your soul seeks its companion. Dharanidhar is not a suitable companion. In fact, I'm sure he'd violently reject such a suggestion, not that Rajahansa would ever allow it. Only Great Golds have the right type of blood to bond with the Nagas."
    Kanvar shuddered. "He called me a blood-sucking monster. What did he mean? Even . . . even after he realized our minds were linked, he tried to kill me."
    Rajahansa who had stood unmoving during this exchange shifted and let out an angry rumble.
    Amar looked up at his dragon. Let me handle this, Raj . He strode back to Kanvar.
    "Dharanidhar is a cranky old dragon. Don't worry about it too much. Come with me and I'll explain everything." He put a hand on Kanvar's shoulder. "You're hurt. Will you let me carry you?"
    Kanvar shifted. Sweat poured down his aching body. He doubted he could stay standing much less walk any distance. "I'm a lot bigger than I used to be."
    "Yes. You've grown up."
    Kanvar nodded.
    "Will you let Rajahansa carry you?"
    Kanvar shuddered and staggered backward. His father grabbed him and pulled him away from the window. "Rajahansa will not hurt you."
    "B-but I killed a Great Green."
    Rajahansa let out a deep growl. Indumauli said it was in self defense. Was it?
    Kanvar could barely make out Rajahansa's voice through the wall his father had placed around his mind. "I . . . I don't know." Kanvar's leg gave out and he sank to the floor. The fever jumbled his thoughts and memories.
    Rajahansa lowered his head to stare Kanvar in the face. A Naga is allowed to protect his own life. If Mahanth was stupid enough to attack you, than he deserved his fate. He shouldn't have been hunting the villagers in the first place. They are under my protection. He broke my laws and paid the price for it. Without asking for permission, Rajahansa scooped Kanvar up in his claw and carried him out of the chamber into a hall.
    Tapestries and giant paintings of dragons and men lined the hall. Arched doorways big enough for Rajahansa to pass through led off into chambers hung with jeweled chandeliers and alcoves with life-like statues of dragons and their Nagas. In one such chamber a dozen young gold dragons sat on their haunches along a rock table the spanned the length of the room, great quill pens clutched in their claws as they put words to paper. Shelves full of scrolls and bound books lined the walls.
    Not all civilization has been lost , Rajahansa said as Kanvar stared at the dragon scribes in wonder.
    The hall narrowed and came to a section with smaller doorways. Rajahansa eased Kanvar to his feet. Amar wrapped a strong arm under his shoulders and led Kanvar into a smaller room. Kanvar's boots made indents in a plush red rug that covered the floor. A cool wind gusted in through a window that overlooked the cliffs. A decoratively carved wooden bookshelf stood up against one of the walls. Bound volumes lined the top two shelves in neat rows. Dozens of scrolls filled cannisters along the bottom one.
    Kanvar's jaw dropped. "So many books." He'd seen a few scrolls before. The dragon hunter jati training master owned a few and taught all his students to read.

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