Hollywood Ever After

Hollywood Ever After by Sasha Summers

Book: Hollywood Ever After by Sasha Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha Summers
apparently amused by my choice of words.
    “I’m glad you’re having fun. Do you think he’ll give you an autograph? That’d be so cool. Mom, here’s Will.”
    “Mommy?” Will asked.
    “Hey, little man. How are you? I’m missing you. Tell me about your day.”
    And he did. Will was a talker, when he would talk on the phone. He told me about class, scouts, softball, and that the crusts weren’t cut off of his sandwich.
    I laughed, gushed, and grew a little misty over missing his first love note. Will sounded horrified as he explained. “Grams put it in your jewelry box ‘cause I don’t want it.” He paused. “Dad wants to talk to you. Miss you, Mom, and I love you.”
    “I love you too, Will. Be good for Grams.”
    I felt myself grow tense and took a calming breath as he spoke. “Happy birthday, Claire. Having fun?”
    “Hi, Daniel, yes, thanks.”
    I stood, immediately antsy. I turned and looked out the window at the blue-black water of the ocean below. His voice still unsettled me, but it didn’t make me cower. Not as much, anyway.
    Shannon and Josh were reflected in the window. I saw Shannon shake her head. She leaned toward Josh and spoke softly before she stood and left the room.
    Josh stood and made his way to me. He stopped just behind me, not touching me. His reflection showed his uncertainty. He seemed to hesitate, his hands twisting the manuscript he held. He ran a hand over his face then sat in the chair. He opened the script he held, but kept glancing at my back.
    I was sorry he was there then, that he’d heard so much—possibly everything. I let my forehead rest on the cool windowpane, but decided more privacy was necessary. I opened the glass door and slipped onto the balcony. The balmy ocean breeze hit me, making my chest feel heavier. The gentle roar of the beach was soothing though, so I focused on those sounds to temper the edge that crept into Daniel’s voice.
    “I obviously didn’t make the sandwiches, your mom did.” Daniel’s voice was teasing, playful.
    “I know. I’ll talk to her.”
    He sighed. “He’ll learn to eat them with the crust. That’s ridiculous.”
    “Is Mom there?” I knew she would be. She’d never leave the kids alone with him.
    “She and Mrs. Witt are here making cookies for Will’s class. I’ve been sitting at the kitchen table with Nat doing her math.” He sounded calm. “Why? Is there a problem?”
    I kept my voice as neutral as possible. “No, no problem. Thanks for helping.”
    “Hold on, I’m going into the office so we can talk.” There was silence for a moment, followed by the sound of a closing door. “I’ll be in India through the kids’ Spring Break. Not that it messes up any family vacation plans. But I thought you should know.”
    “So you’re meeting celebrities? Did you see the article? I don’t want to sound like a jerk, and I know that it’s just tabloid stuff, but…”
    “What article?”
    “About this Wiley kid. And there’s this photo of you with him.” His laughter sounded forced. “I know it’s BS, but you need to be more aware of potential situations, for the kids’ sake at least.” He bit out the last few words.
    Anxiety surged through me. “What did the article say?”
    His tone was sharp. “It implied you were sleeping with him.”
    “Everyone will get a good laugh over that.”
    “Natalie seems to think it’s cool that you’re being linked to this…boy. I don’t know what to say to that.” He let out his breath suddenly, sighing. “But I don’t want her to get any grief over this.”
    “Why would she?”
    “Because it looks like you’re throwing yourself at someone who’s closer to our daughter’s age, Claire. It looks pathetic. Come on, you know the way people talk—about everything. Don’t play dumb.”
    I spoke softly. “It was a party…and he was there.” A breeze caught my curls, blowing them forward. I reached up, pushing them behind my shoulders, when the scar on

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