Off Sides

Off Sides by Sawyer Bennett

Book: Off Sides by Sawyer Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sawyer Bennett
least we can step over her and make our way out.
    I sigh. "If you'll excuse us, we are just leaving."
    Despite how drunk she is, she moves surprisingly fast and steps in our way as we try to walk by her. Turning her beer goggled eyes to Danny, she focuses on her. "Hey, I know you. You're that waitress from Sally's."
    Danny sticks her hand out to Angeline. "That's right. I'm Danny Cross. It's nice to formally meet you."
    I'm amazed. Danny is actually trying to be polite to her. She has more self-control than I do. Angeline just looks down at Danny's hand and curls her lip up in a snarl. "As if I'd shake hands with someone like you. And before you think you’re all high and mighty, just know that Ryan's infatuation with you is just a passing thing."
    Angeline is still swaying back and forth but she looks tremendously pleased by what she has said to Danny and is waiting to see if her venom hits the mark.
    I see red and I open my mouth to lay into Angeline, which I know will be useless because she's drunk. But Danny gives a small shake of her head and I hold my tongue. Instead, Danny just takes my hand and gives Angeline a polite smile. "Well, it's nice meeting you but I have to get going. I have work tomorrow."
    Danny walks around Angeline and I, of course, eagerly follow. Angeline just stands there dumbstruck that she doesn't get a rise out of Danny. And really, she should know better than to try to dual wits with Danny. Danny would chew her up and spit her out if she had it in her to do so.
    As we walk toward my car, our hands clasped and gently swinging back and forth, I'm silent.
    "Is something wrong?" Danny asks.
    "No. Actually, everything is just right. You're amazing you know. You completely charmed my friends and even though you had every right to punch Angeline in the face, you were polite to her. You are a class act, toots."
    "I had fun tonight. Thank you for inviting me. I really like Mike and Carter. I can see why you are friends with them. Even Cameron was really nice."
    "It was fun tonight. But you know what would be even more fun?"
    "What's that?" she asks.
    "Making out with you in my car when we get back to your place. You know, to see how foggy we can get the glass?"
    "That does sounds like fun. Count me in."
    By the time I walked her to her door, I couldn't see anything outside of my windows.



    I think I might be on the verge of completely losing myself in Ryan. While our time alone has been like a fairy tale, I’m surprised how much fun I had the other night with Ryan and his friends. Everyone was really nice...well, with the exception of Angeline and that creepy teammate of Ryan’s. I shudder when I think about the conversation I had with Reece Malone. He wasn’t very subtle in making his moves. I had been standing by myself, sipping a beer when he had approached.
    “It must be my lucky night, finding the most beautiful girl here all by herself,” he had said with oily charm. I could tell he was drunk or high by the hazy look in his eyes and deliberate way he was trying to talk.
    I smiled at him politely and took another sip of my beer. I’ve had to deal with my share of suggestive lines by drunks and I knew it was best not to even engage.
    Swaying slightly while he peered at me, he stepped very close and I could smell the liquor on his breath. He leaned in and whispered in I’m sure what he thought was a super, sexy voice, “I have about twenty different ways I can make you scream.”
    Okay, that was beyond suggestive and he was clearly a complete slime ball. “Hey buddy, why don’t you step back and give me a little space here.”
    He took a slight step back but he was still too close. He was looking at me like I was a piece of candy. “S’all cool,” he drawled. “You’re just so damn fine, and I can imagine the fun we’d have together.”
    Luckily, I was saved from having to reply when Ryan interjected himself into the conversation, coming to my rescue. I am forever

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