A Dark and Hungry God Arises
light loosened around him like a cut noose; he could see the walls again, dim through the enshrouding shadows. The feral grimace let go of his features. By degrees he recovered his grin.
    Somewhere he'd come undone. He was no longer the Nick Succorso who never lost. But he could still grin and face his tormentors and wreak havoc.
    Milos was coming.
    He'd been silent, struggling with himself, too long.
    When he looked at the Bill and Sorus Chatelaine again, he saw that they were both watching him expectantly.
    The Bill held his fingers poised over one of his boards as if he were braced to call for help - or to shoot Nick himself. But Sorus appeared to fear nothing. Her gaze was amused and clinical, as if she enjoyed her effect on him and wanted to know how far it would push him.
    'God, I'm tired, ' he murmured in a probably futile effort to explain away his reaction. 'If you think it's pleasant being harried all the way here from Enablement, you haven't tried it recently. ' Then, because craziness was just another form of inspiration, he added, 'Do you know what those bastards did to me?' He no longer needed outrage. He was calm now, almost clinical himself. His grin showed how calm he was. They sold me sabotaged gap drive components. I damn near blew up in the gap.
    If my engineer hadn't panicked and tried to abort tach, I wouldn't be alive now. '
    And you wouldn't know how treacherous your hosts can be.
    'I wonder what you did to provoke that' Sorus mused.
    Nick ignored her. From now on he was going to ignore her. Until he was ready to finish her.
    For the present he concentrated on the Bill.
    In the Bill's eyes, he could see the lean man's efforts to guess what had produced this change in him.
    After a speculative pause the Bill asked, Were you expecting Captain Angus? You seem pleased to hear of his arrival. '
    'Not particularly, ' Nick answered with some of his old, casual readiness. Even a crazy man could understand how dangerous this moment was. The Bill had to be deflected from the truth. 'I was thinking about something else.
    She' - he rolled his eyes at Sorus - 'probably didn't tell you I've got an old score to settle with her. A very old score. There was no reason for her to mention it, of course. She didn't know it would be relevant. But it's sure as hell relevant now. When she first walked in here, the only thing I could think about was butchering her on the spot. Then it occurred to me' - his grin felt malign and gratifying against his scars - 'that I've got better options. This could turn out to be a lot of fun. '
    Let her believe him as much or as little as she chose.
    He didn't care. The Bill's reaction was all that mattered.

    The truth is, ' Nick went on, 'I don't give a shit whether Captain Thermo-pile is here or not. He's got nothing to do with me. But if you want my advice, this is it. Don't let him come in. Something stinks about all this, and it isn't me. '
    The Bill pursed his mouth reflectively, then flexed his ringers like a dismissal. There is cause for concern, certainly. Fortunately we have plenty of time to consider the situation. The thought of time reminds me, however, Captain Nick, that you were interrupted. As I recall, you were about to make me a new offer. '
    Nick shrugged. 'Never mind. ' No matter how undone he was, he could be as dismissive as the Bill. We'll talk about that later. I've got other things to think about. For now, a visitor's berth sounds like a good idea. Unless' —
    he tightened his grin - 'you're planning to revoke all my money, not just that one credit-jack. '
    'Captain Nick, ' the Bill said in a tone of good-humored reproach. Shadows played in and out of his mouth as he spoke. 'Money is money. Please spend as much of it here as you wish. I'll be delighted to honor your credit-jack as well - as soon as your other difficulties are resolved. '
    'Good, ' Nick drawled. 'In the meantime, take good care of my property. I don't want to have to worry about what you're doing to

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