Zomblog 05: Snoe's War

Zomblog 05: Snoe's War by T. W. Brown

Book: Zomblog 05: Snoe's War by T. W. Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. W. Brown
Tags: Zombies
but that really is the general feeling.
    So, the plan (at least as much as I feel comfortable sharing here…just in case) is that there will be several teams of ten. We will be spread out in an arc around Warehouse City and at a specific time on a specific day, we will be hitting the city en masse.
    In the meantime, we have been told to act independently and make as much trouble for Dominique and her people as possible. I wonder if anybody else managed to be as unlucky as we did today.
    So, my group consists of me (obviously), Mary, Bob, Felicia, and six others. Of that six, I have only really spoken with one of them. Her name is Selina Madison. She has no idea who I am and didn’t even bat an eye when the team was introducing themselves to each other and I said my name. The other five were a mixture of raised eyebrows and curious looks. I have seen both enough in my life to know that they were wondering if I might be “that” Snoe.
    Selina has beautiful skin, but the roughest, most calloused hands that I have ever seen or felt in my life. Her blonde hair is barely longer than a crew-cut and she is missing one of her upper front teeth. Now, after all that you might be wondering if she is scary. Actually, she has a very round and pretty face with such bright blue eyes that they almost look like they aren’t real, and the cutest little nose ever.
    Since Selina didn’t react, I teamed up with her for the first leg of the trip today as the advance scout. We were on a crumbling overpass when I saw several black-uniformed people leading a group that were attached to a long length of chain. Each of the prisoners was manacled and cuffed.
    I kept my eye on the procession while Selina went back and told the others. I half-expected everybody to decide to just let them pass untouched. After all, there were at least forty soldiers acting as escort. When the word came from Bob that we had to at least try, I was almost as scared as I was excited.
    We moved around and put ourselves in a position that would intercept them because we had to assume that they were headed for Warehouse City. When almost an hour passed without any sign of them, Bob told us all to stay put while he went to check out the situation. When he returned, I knew the news was bad.
    It seems that Dominique has put her rail system to use. That has me wondering what else might be going on inside Warehouse City. Bob said that there was signs of activity near the train tracks just beyond the ridge that we were set up and waiting to unleash our ambush from.
    We don’t have anything that would allow us to do any significant damage to the rails. I felt terrible because we did nothing. While it is obvious that any sort of open and unplanned attack would end badly for us, I still feel like I let those people down.
    If the people are still being shipped to Irony, they are still so far away that it is unlikely we will ever be able to help them. If they have been sent even further—that place called NORAD for instance—it is a certainty. That might as well be on the moon.
    Tonight, as we make camp, I wonder if we are simply outmatched and wasting our time.
    Tuesday, March 2 nd
    A light rain fell most of the day. We ran into a scouting party that was hiding out in a huge ruined warehouse. They were quite helpful. We have learned (from the one survivor that Mary and Bob questioned) that Dominique is preparing to leave. It seems that she is satisfied with her work here.
    We also discovered exactly what she is gearing up for.
    One of the most common ideas thrown around was that perhaps she was putting herself in position to take Vegas. That is part of it. But she has an even bigger goal in sight. It seems that she wants to take down the Confederated Tribes.
    She wants Oklahoma.
    I asked Bob how he could be so sure that the person he questioned was not just feeding us bad information to throw us off. He made a face and glanced at Mary. She ended up being the one to

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