Eternity of Vengeance : Book 7 of the Heku Series
    “Oh, right, twelve Encala trying to
slowly work their way to the house,” Mark told him.
    “They think Frederick’s here,” Silas
    “Damn, I wish she’d just
tell us where he is already,” Chevalier sighed.
    “That and return to the palace and get
rid of loser.”
    “That too.”
    “Why do you suppose the
Encala aren’t attacking en masse?” Mark asked. “These small attacks
are useless. They know we’re watching this house.”
    “I’m not sure, but I fully
expect that to change, and fast,” Chevalier answered.
    “Let’s put Robert on guard
duty out there,” Silas said, and grinned.
    “Damn, was Em making
spaghetti again?” Chevalier asked, and looked toward the
    “No, dumb nuts has garlic
all over the house,” Kralen explained. “Smells nasty.”
    “That and he keeps trying
to shove crosses at us and sprays us with holy water on a regular
basis,” Silas added.
    “He best not do that to me if he wants
to keep his head,” Chevalier told them.
    “So encourage it is what you’re
saying?” Kralen chuckled.
    Chevalier smiled, “So you
said he’s a vampire hunter by trade?”
    “Nope,” Silas said. “He
was offended when we asked him if he was V.E.S.”
    “Right now, we need to get
the mortal pain out of here and then Emily can return to the palace
where it’s safer,” Mark told them.
    “We’ll try,” Kralen said.
“But you know if Emily sees us trying to get rid of Putz, she’ll
fight back.”
    “That’s true,” Chevalier
said. “We could just… you know…”
    “Get rid of him on his
nightly ride?” Silas asked, and grinned. “I’ve been thinking about
    “Control him long enough
to get a note to Em that he’s leaving, and then make sure he
doesn’t come back,” Kralen said, and then nodded, deep in
    “Let’s see first if he
leaves on his own, but I’m not putting up with this much longer,”
Chevalier said. He looked up when he heard Emily start to talk in
her sleep. “I better go before she screams and the mortal goes to
save the day.”
    Kralen grinned and watched Chevalier
leave the kitchen.
    “Where are your guards?”
Robert asked as he walked into the kitchen. Emily was at the table
with a cup of hot coffee.
    “Oh, around I would
    “They are the strangest
bodyguards I’ve ever met,” he said, and poured himself a
    “How so?”
    “They break some of the cardinal
rules… like never letting you out of their sight.”
    Emily watched as he sat
down beside her, “I don’t even need bodyguards. They’re just here
to make Chev happy.”
    “He must think there’s a
    “Well, yes, he does.”
    “Then they shouldn’t just
    Emily cringed slightly
when Mark and another member of the Cavalry came into the
    “Right on cue,” Robert
said, irritated, and looked over at them. “You all really shouldn’t
let her out of your sight.”
    “Enough, Robert,” Emily
grumbled, and finished her coffee.
    “Not sure we need your
help, Boy,” Mark said, and spun a chair before sitting in it
backwards. The other member of the Cavalry moved quietly to the
wall and stood still.
    “Boy? I bet I’m older than you are,”
Robert told her.
    “Stop it,” Emily sighed.
    “Where are dumb and dumber,
    “Who?” Mark asked,
    “The two blokes that are always
    “Kralen and Silas had other business
    “Robert, please…” Emily
    “Sorry,” Robert told her,
but grinned at Mark.
    Mark’s eyes narrowed, “Em, are you
heading in to work today? Dain is having issues.”
    She looked up at him, “Yes, as soon as
I finish my coffee.”
    “You should fire that
Dain. He seems to cause a lot of problems,” Robert said, and got up
to get more coffee.
    “I’ll keep that in mind,”
Emily said, and grinned.
    “Is there anything you
don’t have an opinion about?” Mark asked, repeating what Silas

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