More business English para Dummies

More business English para Dummies by Varios autores

Book: More business English para Dummies by Varios autores Read Free Book Online
Authors: Varios autores
Tags: Divulgación, Idiomas
to be genuinely interested: to be truly or really intrigued
to not be aware of something: to not be conscious or in the know about something
leaflet: booklet, brochure, pamphlet, flier
to render: to provide, to give, to deliver, to supply, to make available
to refer to: to mention, to bring up, to talk about, to speak of
to be maintained: to be kept up, continued, kept going, or carried on
aids: means, tools, resources
to be advantageous: to be beneficial, helpful, useful, or of benefit
tailored to: modified to, adapted to, adjusted to, customised to
entire: whole, complete, full
previous: earlier, preceding, prior
cover letter: first page of the written message
recipient: receiver, addressee
to highlight: to mark, to tag
paragraph: section, part, item
to safely assume something: to take something for granted, to surely expect something
to distinguish oneself from: to set oneself apart from, to single oneself out from
to increase: to add to, to boost, to augment, to enhance, to heighten
Approaching customers on the spot
    With the help of geo-marketing, target areas and available addresses can be examined for their potential in advance . This regionally individualised target group approach is the key to success in direct marketing.
    In the geo-strategic optimising of a direct marketing campaign, not only demographic data such as age, profession, household income, or information pertaining to product affinity play a part, but also the proximity to the competition, or the distance androutes to the supplier’s locations and branch offices.
    The available amount of data on business and consumer target audiences is enormous: Schober’s subsidiary , Infas Geodaten, has a household database including 35 million home addresses at their disposal , selectable by microgeographic characteristics, more than five million so-called lifestyle addresses, selectable according to specific buying intentions, consumer focal points and interests, more than seven million private email addresses with consent for email marketing, and more than five million business addresses in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
    With the help of geo-information systems, the GfK (Association for Consumer Research) Geomarketing is optimising their customers’ dialogue marketing campaigns. In this process, applicable addresses are filtered from the existing pool of addresses, responses are analysed, and the levels of efficiency are compared. What lies behind this: In a mailing campaign, the response rate can indeed be measured but most of the time the senders are deprived of the information about where exactly their informative letters had a high response and in which regions a comparatively small response was achieved.
    By using a recent example, the mechanism of the geo-strategic optimising process becomes clear: Mailings were to be sent to retail businesses. The following objectives were to be taken into account : To localise profitable target areas and target groups in order to minimise or altogether avoid wastage , to measure the mailings’ response rate differentiated according to regions, and to determine its consequences for sales. The goal was to reach retail businesses that are located in affluent regions allowing the sender of the informative letters to achieve a high contribution margin.
    Initially , for the selection and evaluation of this data, the addresses were important. On the basis of the postal code , they were put into a geographical order and placed on a map . Because of the addresses’ geographic relation, more potential factors could be taken into consideration . For example: What part of the general buying power is available for the retail industry? Through this procedure, it was possible to find locations with strong retail trade – and these regions were especially interesting for the mailing campaign.
    The costs for geo-strategic optimising of direct marketing campaigns vary, dependent on the depth of the analytical examination. If

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