Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 by Various

Book: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 by Various Read Free Book Online
Authors: Various
which I signed, the ones requiring witnessing attended by Jim and Sunny. At my request, I had Drew sign them as well, 'cuz I had another premonition, this time that he'd be involved in all these matters one day, one way or another. Harry then gave me his itemised listing of the dividends, which he'd banked into a short-term interest bearing account in my name earlier in the morning for me. When I looked at the amount, I almost puked. "Holy hell, Harry, you must have made a mistake!"
    "No mistake. Now, do you see the big jump in return in this year and thereafter," he said, pointing to the tenth year on a graph of the last twenty years. "That happened the year your dad died, after buying the Arnold's orchard adjoining the eastern boundary, along the road. Such a shame he never saw the benefit of his foresight."
    "I remember the day he purchased that orchard. He and Mum were so happy."
    "They were, Alex, which now brings me to the reason for showing you the graph. I happen to know the property adjoining your northern boundary, at the back of the orchard, will be on the market soon. The owners, the Bethwaites, knew and respected your dad, however would have nothing to do with your mother's second husband. I recommend you consider purchasing it. I'm sure they'd consider a fair market price rather than go to auction. What do you think?"
    "Struth, Harry, you hit me with this, already?" I chuckled and saw him rock back and grin, along with the others.
    "As your father knew, fortune favours the swiftest of the brave."
    "Will this," I queried, holding up the deposit receipt, "cover the purchase?"
    "Not quite, though I'm sure I could arrange favourable vendor terms for the balance. This means they would fund the balance on reasonable terms until the company can pay it from future harvest earnings, which Albert expects in four years maximum. That's not taking into account the damages you can expect awarded from claims against your stepfather and mother."
    I looked at Drew. "What do you think?"
    "Because Harry recommends you do, I'd buy, but it's your call."
    "Very well then, let's buy, Harry."
    "Excellent, m'boy, the best decision you could make."
    I smiled and looked back at Drew and squeezed his hand, knowing the best of my life's decisions I ever made was to let him seduce my mind and then my heart.
    Sunny called a break and arranged tea, coffee and biscuits, the butterscotch bickies being my favourites because the wet part wouldn't fall off on my chest or chin after Drew dunked them in my mug and put them to my lips followed by my straw. Drew loved Tim Tams, covering his lips in the melted chocolate after dunking them and sticking his choc covered tongue out to me, hidden from the others by his hand. My oath, he looked sexy, I wanted to suck that tongue and smudge his lips against mine so much.
    After Drew cleared the cups, Harry asked, "Have you given thought to our discussion two days ago, about your mother?"
    "I have," I replied, remembering the chat with him and Jim, wishing they hadn't asked, but as they explained, the police needed to know.
    "Do you like your mother?" Jim asked.
    "Why not?"
    "Because…" I told them my mother knew that step-sadist-mongrel molested me and never tried to stop him. She denied and laughed when anybody queried her about my complaints of abuse, saying I'm crazy, stating my ADHD and the meds were making me madder and dumber every day, and more prone to making wild claims. She sided with him and protected him, shocking me, not believing she had any idea of the physical pain her husband caused me. The only good thing she did was not tell that animal, for if he knew I'd told people, I'd have been a goner. I said I couldn't believe she ignored my pleas to give me painkillers after his attacks. "As a result, I don't hate her, but don't like her or feel sorry for her. One thing's for sure, there's no love between us, not from me."
    "Then why did you defend her last Friday night?"
    I thought for a few

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