Night Waves

Night Waves by Wendy Davy

Book: Night Waves by Wendy Davy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendy Davy
solid chest. Cali screamed for help, but feared she had ventured too far out for anyone to hear. She struggled, panting for breath. She kicked, scratched and turned her head to bite a well-muscled shoulder.
    “Cali,” he spoke her name in an even, controlled tone.
    A spark of recognition hit her, but before she had time to place exactly who it was, the man dropped the flashlight into the sand and twisted her around.
    “It’s me. Sheriff Justice. It’s OK. You’re OK.” He held her by her shoulders, steadying her as she fought to gain her balance.
    “Sheriff?” She recognized the outline of his features, and the hard angle of his jaw. “Justice.” All at once, the feeling of something being terribly wrong vanished. It was quickly replaced with a sense of calmness and security. Cali wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned into the firm length of his body. She buried her head under his chin, feeling his strong heartbeat against her cheek as she rested against his chest. She noticed he had replaced his standard uniform with a pair of jeans and a dark, snug-fitting T-shirt, and he smelled fresh out of the shower, as if soap still clung to his skin. His masculine scent surrounded her, providing a more intimate layer of comfort.
    He enfolded her into his arms, but the tension remained in his body. “I saw you running. Something scared you.”
    “Someone scared me.”
    He pulled back, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Did you see somebody?”
    She looked into his intense eyes. “N-no.” She shook her head. “But I felt someone nearby, and it wasn’t you.”
    “Are you sure?” He glanced over his shoulder, then his gaze came back to drill into hers.
    “I’m sure. I felt something…” she hesitated, afraid of what he may think of her relying purely on instinct.
    “Something what?” he prodded.
    “Out of place. Something just plain wrong.” She shivered as goose bumps traveled up her arms and neck. She looked away into the churning sea, not wanting to see doubt in his eyes.
    He ran his warm, solid hands down her arms, and then lifted his hand to cup her face. Using his thumb, he coaxed her chin up until she had no recourse but to meet his questioning gaze. When she discovered no doubt, no ridicule, relief swept over her, urging her to say, “And I don’t feel that when I’m with you. I feel safe with you.”
    Something flashed across the deep-blue depths of his eyes. His gaze flickered to her lips and he hesitated, before dropping his hand and leaning to recover the flashlight.
    He took her arm in his urgent grasp and began walking with her. “I’ll take you to my truck. It’s on the road directly past this dune. When we get there, get inside and lock the doors. I’m going to look for him.”
    “Do you think it’s the stalker?” she asked, breathless from running and then trying to keep up with his long strides.
    “There’s a good chance it is.”
    They climbed the path up the sand dune and he loosened his grip, sliding his hand to lace his fingers with hers. Stepping in front on the narrow passageway, he half dragged her up the slope in his haste. When they crested the hill, Cali was surprised to find the road right next to the dune. She spotted the white truck, marked “Sheriff of Coral Isle.”
    Nick led her to the truck, using the remote to unlock it. Opening the door, he guided her into the passenger seat with his hands on her waist and slammed the door. The locks engaged before she had a chance to find the inside control panel and lock them first. He stopped long enough to nod his head, his eyes telling her to stay put. She nodded back, watching his determination surge forth. He turned, drew his pistol from his ankle holster and disappeared into the dark night in search of a stalker.
    Night Waves

Night Waves
    Chapter Eleven
    Nick welcomed the adrenaline rushing through his system. It gave him additional energy as he combed the grassy dunes looking for the source of Cali’s fear.

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