The Zygan Emprise:  Renegade Paladins and Abyssal Redemption
portal to Security Level C ,
I started repeating silently to myself: I am Ward Burton. I am Ward Burton.
    The scanner’s probe entered my brain.
“Purpose of entry?”
    Ward Burton, Ward Burton. Urgent comm from
Terra Core.
    “Scan in progress.”
    Ward Burton. Ward Burton .
    “Scan completed.”
    The pause seemed frighteningly long. I
struggled to stay calm. Finally, to my relief, the portal door I
was facing opened to allow me entry into Security Level C. I
wandered in slowly, breathing deeply to steady my nerves, and
searched among the rows of holo displays filling this smaller suite
for the holo station that displayed our target.
    Most of the holos I passed in this suite
seemed to be of various Benedict cronies, who went about their
nefarious business unaware that Zygint was watching their every
move. There was still no sign of Benedict on any of the
    I stopped, stunned. Right next to me, a holo
displayed a life-size Sutherland, robed and bearded as Saul once
again. Judging from the background, he did seem to be back
in Sidon, or, more accurately, marching down that same path to the
city Tyre that Yeshua and the Keeper had recently taken after
bidding us good-bye. I turned to face the holo, hoping that the
team monitoring me at Matshi’s could see what I saw, too.
    “The evil eye knows,” a human voice boomed in
my ear.
    It took all my training not to startle. I
turned to see a short, portly man who looked vaguely familiar. Had
I met him at Mingferplatoi? No, no, at Central, last year. What was
his name? Carl. Carlton Platt. Never liked him, but, Wart, Ward
Burton, probably does. I bestowed him with Wart’s friendly grin.
“Hey, Carl, you sound like a DJ.”
    “It’s from an old radio xii show, ‘The Shadow’,” he
did the voice again, “‘The Shadow knows …’
    “Ah,” I said and forced a chuckle.
    “But little do they know,” Carl nodded
at the other holos, then pointed to Sutherland. “Good job,
    I was ready to blurt out that Sutherland’s
escape wasn’t my fault when I remembered I was Ward Burton. I said
carefully, “Thanks …” What did I—Wart—do that was ‘a good
    “Let’s go for a walk,” Carl whispered to me
in a conspiratorial tone, as he motioned for his neighbor to cover
his station.
    I nodded, swallowing hard to clear the knot
in my chest. Was he inviting Ward Burton, or me?
    * * *
    “We’re shielded here,” Platt assured me as we
eased into the comfortable couches in the lounge. “Great work.”
    I nodded again. “Means a lot,” I punted.
    “Benedict’s very happy,” Carl added with a
broad smile.
    “Great,” I answered instinctively, before it
hit me. Oh, my God! They’re inside! Benedict’s Andarts
are inside Zygint! My hand quietly inched towards my Ergal. And
Wart, our Wart, was one of them!
    “The one hundred mil in Deltan credits we
promised are in the Krøneckðr account,” xiii Platt continued
smoothly. “But—”
    I tensed. “But?”
    Carlton spread his hands open. “Look, you’re
still uncontaminated. Why don’t you wait until Sutherland cleans up
in Phoenecia and then mute away. Until he’s done, we might
still need you.”
    “Is that a request …?” I said quietly.
    Carl’s tone got cold. “Benedict always
    I smiled, and waved a hand in the best
Wartian style. “Well, then, what do you think? Of course.”
    Carl’s features relaxed. He leaned over and
slapped me on the back. “That’s my buddy. How ‘bout we go get some
    * * *
    I managed to get away from Carlton over the
salad, feigning an upset stomach. But exiting Central would be
almost as dicey as getting in. I was shaken to discover that our
Wart was a traitor, and worried that my anger and disappointment at
his betrayal would be picked up by the NDNA scan on my way out. As
the scanner light washed over me, I tried visualizing Wart’s
delightful sense of humor and remembered his friendly welcome and
support when Spud

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